Digital Products That Made Me Financially Free

simple products and maximum profits

Hazel Paradise
3 min readDec 12, 2023
Photo by Cookie the Pom on Unsplash

Ebook makes me more than 70% of my income.

We are now living in a world where people prefer digital products over physical ones.

Now they prefer ebooks over physical copies.

Audiobooks over CDs.

We have an online music library. Just pay a few bucks and you can get access to unlimited sources of beautiful music. Not only from the olden days but also from those new artists who have just started in this field.

We don’t have to buy or rent our favorite movies anymore. They are cheaply available for a few bucks on various entertainment platforms.

Everything is getting digitalized. Books. Movies. Songs. Project Management Tools. Now, there is no need to track money on paper, go paperless! I have one sample here if you like.

I do have a Physical Products Store on Instagram

I make the most money from digital products. But I do have a store on Instagram selling physical products. It’s in the music niche.

I am trying to sell some digital products to my music-loving audience. To this date, no sales! Physical products are selling like hotcakes. But still no sale for digital products.

It means that there is still a market for expensive physical products. More on this in the next article! I’ll share my music store journey with you soon.

Some digital products that helped me leave my 9 to-5 job

  1. Ebooks — I love ebooks. I have been doing this for 9 years. I make MOST money out of my ebooks. Remember that it’s not because ebooks sell the most. People are making money selling templates and other forms of digital assets. Ebooks are a big source of my income because I love doing it. And have been doing it for many years. Choose your type of product wisely. There is an audience for all types of products! Don’t worry much about them!
  2. Google Sheets — I use spreadsheets almost every single day. I plan out my day using sheets. I also use them to track my finances. They are awesome, easy, and free. If you want you can check this out.
  3. Audiobooks — If you are into ebooks then do have an audiobook version as well. I won’t say the sales are anywhere near my ebooks. But they do make me sell sometimes. I also have one audiobook (from another author I found on Twitter) that I like. I promote them on my secret Twitter account. I bought the audiobook (motivational niche), liked it and now I am promoting it. I am new to the affiliate marketing world.
  4. Software — I used to sell Python Software on Fiverr. You can sell almost anything on Fiverr — products or services.
  5. Photos — I like selling photos but I made like only $3 from it. I uploaded some illustration work and photos on Adobe Stock. I should have continued it. But never found any time for that.


I already mentioned that ebooks are my major source of income.

You make money only when you love creating.

Be the creator first.

Money will follow you soon!

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Hazel Paradise

Top Writer On Medium. Writer of 90+ books under multiple pen names. Yes, I make money writing ebooks.