Do you want to Become a full-time Author?

Hazel Paradise
2 min readAug 13, 2022


Photo by Florian Klauer on Unsplash

So what does it takes to become an author? Is it what we see on TV? What do we see in movies where an author writes one book and one day the author’s copies arrive while the author is having a glass of champagne in his living room? Celebrating the future bestseller? (Remember the scene from a movie?)

Just a few papers or a laptop and some quiet place. A coffee too! A good bank balance would be the cherry on the top in case the author doesn’t earn for many years through his writing. (We are lucky to be born in this self-publishing era).

Right? That’s what the first impression is.

A dream of writing a book and then someday it would become a bestseller is what most people think. And then you would be traveling all around the world with your family.

But to be accurate, that’s not even close to the truth.

Most people are having books lined up in their drive, waiting for their turn. I have forgotten the end of the story for most of my old books.

Being an author doesn’t only mean writing a book and then waiting for money to roll in.

  • Being an author means writing a series of related book (good if it has the same trope)

-To edit until your editor says “Enough!” (you don’t want to annoy your readers with basic grammar errors)

-Handle all social media accounts (readers can come from anywhere)

-Pay for advertisement if you have money or do everything by yourself (competition is high. Sometimes badly written books sell well and well-written books have low sales)

-Wake up before anyone else does (morning and silence are the real buddies)

-Not to forget the strain on our eyes and our tremendous back pain (is anyone who is free from this problem?)

Some suffer from loneliness if living alone (thank god there are good online communities where authors are helping one another)

And then audiobooks? Who can forget that? Put money into audiobook production.

If low in budget, take time off writing and record it yourself.

Worse if you aren’t earning anything and have a full-time job!

No doubt that still there are many authors out there earning pennies but still moving forward. For becoming an author you have to love all the flaws that come with it. Telling our stories to the world is the only thing that wakes us up in the morning.

Make sure you follow, clap or comment because that encourages me to write more.

If you want to know more about making money writing ebooks, then you can check out my book “My Mistakes in Self-Publishing”. Happy Writing Journey!



Hazel Paradise

Top Writer On Medium. Writer of 90+ books under multiple pen names. Yes, I make money writing ebooks.