Fiverr Gigs That Sell Like Crazy

If you are new to Fiverr and don’t know where to start then this list will help you out

Hazel Paradise
4 min readSep 4, 2023
Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash

Making money online is not easy if you do it all by yourself. We have to go through numerous trials and errors before finding the ONE that will fit us and help us to make a full-time income.

I tried different gigs on my TWO Fiverr account and know that finding a perfect gig is tricky.

I failed the first time and had to drive all the traffic myself. But after a few gigs, I found the ONE that sold like crazy. I mean, I didn’t do any marketing for that gig. Fiverr did almost 90% work for me. Not only did Fiverr bring me clients, but now I have a few long-term customers. There are clients who recommend me to their friends and families.

This puts less burden on me and instead of spending time on marketing, I spend time creating perfect projects for my clients.

7 Fiverr Gigs That Sell Like Crazy

If you are absolutely new then this list can help you out. There are many unexplored gigs that have more demand and less competition. And this simply means more money because you have fewer people to compete with and dominating the keyword becomes easy for you.

But today, I am listing here only a few for you.

  1. Write Reviews — There are numerous marketplaces online. And for any marketplace, sales, reviews, and ratings are a must. Because only using this way, they know how their sellers are doing. The more reviews, the more your gig will show up in their search engine. Some sellers buy this gig to review their own products. There are some limitations but this works.
  2. Video Testimony — The last time I was working for a company that used to make websites for their clients. Android apps and full e-commerce websites were our main areas. My company had a YouTube channel where they showed video testimonies of their clients. They had a few on their website as well. Actually based on those videos I decided to join the company. But sadly after two months, I was told to buy Video Testimonies from Online Marketplaces like Fiverr so that they reach more audiences. Not good though but for Fiverr sellers this means money.
  3. Develop Resumes — Now doesn’t matter how talented we are or how many degrees we have, but this is something that needs some expertise. This won’t help you to make full-time money but if you need part-time and this will work out for you.
  4. Review YouTube Videos — There are many YouTubers out there who just don’t have any idea why their videos are not being watched even after having thousands of Subscribers. And this is true. Having a big list of subscribers doesn’t mean big money. It all comes down to the quality of the content.
  5. Run a Facebook Fan Page — Facebook doesn’t give you traffic anymore. Try to upload one post a day and you will hardly see 10 views a week. doesn’t matter the quality but the organic traffic has pretty much died away. After all, who is going to buy their ads then? There are many business owners who have their fan pages but they can’t run them themselves because it requires you to do marketing and engagement on a daily basis.
  6. Make Custom Ringtones — This a friend of mine did and I laughed literally. I never thought someone could make money selling ringtones. He has not gotten rich. He learned the skills in three days and did this only on weekends. He pulls in around $300 to $500 per month making simple ringtones. Not much but enough to take a short trip to a nearby place to add the money to your emergency funds.
  7. Retouch Photos — This is the most common one and actually requires you to learn Photoshop. I added this because I require this every single day. I use Canva as well but we all know I cannot morph a pic on Canva. Photoshop does this thing for me.


So this is all. I will try to bring you more untapped Fiverr gigs in my upcoming articles. For now, this is it!

See you soon..

If you want to know more about making money on Fiverr, then you can check out my book “How I Made Over $2K on Fiverr as a Freelancer (Part-Time)”. Happy Writing Journey!



Hazel Paradise

Top Writer On Medium. Writer of 90+ books under multiple pen names. Yes, I make money writing ebooks.