How I Make Money Selling eBooks

13 steps for your first $1000

Hazel Paradise
3 min readMar 3, 2024
Photo by Clayton Robbins on Unsplash

Creating and selling ebooks requires just as much hard work and dedication as any other business out there. My music store and YouTube make me sell only when I work daily.

Working daily on your craft is the real secret.

Why ebooks?

  1. They are very easy to create. I recommend writing books based on your skills and knowledge.
  2. No maintenance. I never liked inventories. That’s the reason I chose online business.
  3. Google Docs works fine. If you need to do video audio graphics editing then you require particular software that costs money. But for writing business, Google Docs is free to use.

FAQs on Selling Ebooks Online

Hit your first $1000 as a writer

if you are a writer or newbie who is still wondering how to make your first $1000 online then do this.

1.Pick a niche

Three most profitable niches…

— Health ( Muscle building, weight loss)

— Money ( Online business, stocks investing, budgeting)

— Relationships (Dating)

Pick the one you know most about or you are interested in. If still confuse go nicheless. You can always decide your niche later.

2. Find a burning pain

Example, People are living paycheck to paycheck and they need extra income to buy luxuries or pay debt

Nowadays everyone is looking for a side hustle or a passive income. Pick the problem and give them the solution.

3. Create an offer (aka solution)

I’ll strongly advice you to be as specific as possible.

Tell them how exactly you are going to solve the problem with your ebook.

5. Design a cover

I use Canva to design my ebook cover.

Canva > Template > eBooks/kindle > pick a template you like

Keep the title simple and short if possible.

Not a designer? Hire someone on Fiverr. Create a 3D cover. Google it.

6. Write Copy

The description should be simple and straightforward. Not clever but clear. Avoid AI — generated descriptions.

7. Create a pre-order page

I use Gumroad for that.

Create a pre-order page. Price low. Add your ebook cover & description. Hit publish. Copy the product the link put it in your articles or in your tweets. Share the link in your bio.

Why Gumroad?

Because it’s simple, efficient & free. I use Gumroad too. You can use other platforms too, but I strongly recommend you use Gumroad if you’re just starting out.

8. Promote your pre-order

Email marketing works better in this case. But in case your are just starting out then —

  • write a sales tweet
  • Articles around the topic
  • Create a video on the ebook
  • Engage with people facing the problem you’re solving.

Offer them free advice. Then pitch your ebook

9. Get some orders

Preorders help a lot. Feedback is important if you want to make big selling ebooks. I won’t recommend to wait till you get thousands of orders. But few like 20–30 will do. Not to give too much away freely.

10. Create your ebook

I use Google Docs.

14 size

Use simple fonts. I stick with Arial.

Align “Justify”. Not center!

11. Launch

time to launch the ebook.

Maybe the first time you’ll get it wrong. This happens to everyone. But never be afraid of trying and learning new things.

Do a Countdown sale. (15 to 30 copies) at a discount. Use scarcity & urgency.

12. Create content related to your ebook

Now time to make your ebook live. Build some authority and trust around your product. Help others in your niche. Add value. Answer their comments.

Quality > Quantity

13. Promote daily

Never be afraid to promote your work. I’ll advise you to promote at least once a day.

Use your popular article or do it under a popular tweet.

Keep adding value. Keep helping people. Keep promoting your ebook.

Your bank account will thank me later!

If you are interested in Gumroad Business then you can check out my ebook — Build Once, Sell Forever — How I Create & Sell Digital Products With Gumroad



Hazel Paradise

Top Writer On Medium. Writer of 90+ books under multiple pen names. Yes, I make money writing ebooks.