How I get more engagement on Medium articles

Hacks to grow on Medium

Hazel Paradise
3 min readNov 21, 2022
Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash

This is the second part of the series on “How To Increase Engagement on your articles”.

There have been many ways already discussed on how to increase the engagement rate on your articles. But there is one thing that will make people click on your article more than ever.

If no one will click on your article, then no question arises of claps and comments and reads. I still cannot tell if claps play an important role in increasing your views or not, but commenting and reading do for sure. I am yet to figure out about claps and would love to hear if you have some other views on this.

Click on the article is possible only if the title is relevant or tries to solve a problem of the readers. And the very first thing that you, as a writer, need to pay attention to is to have a proper title. That’s what readers see first and will decide whether to click on the article or not.

There is a saying that goes on -” Never judge a book by its cover.”

But we all know the reality is quite different. People do judge everything by the way it looks. We cannot blame anyone for this. With so many articles floating on the internet (or Medium in this case) and more being written on a daily basis, how is one supposed to find a proper piece to read?

Sometimes, a good article has a bad title.

Sometimes, bad articles have very good titles. And unfortunately lots of views and comments as well.

See this title -

“Earn $100 from writing shorts.”

It’s an old article I wrote a few months back. This was based on my experience when I was fully focused on Amazon.

Why did people click on this article?

  1. The earnings mentioned were realistic as compared to $1000 which seems a faraway dream for many. Writers can earn more than $100 following the tactics I mentioned but the thing is that I don’t know how much time and effort one will put into this work. Writing many bad short books or a few good short books yields different results.
  2. Anyone can write shorts. It’s easy to write shorts nowadays. I used to spend time reading novels back in my college days but now, as we have less time, shorts work best. Maybe this is the reason why YouTube introduced shorts for their viewers. And we all know, we get more views on short than on long videos. At least in my experience.
  3. It was good for people who wanna earn some extra income. For full-time, you need more than this and we all know that. Some writers complete a short book within a week including writing, editing, cover designing and so on. If you hire a ghostwriter (if you want to) then you can make shorts within a few days. I know someone from YouTube who hired a team of writers and would publish on Amazon every week. He has around 800 books on Amazon now.

All the above-mentioned qualities made this title attractive and so this was more clickable as compared to other titles.

Instead of using some general info-based title, make sure you have a title that gives actual details of your article without revealing too much.

There are so many things that are required to make an article interesting but I guess I’ll stop here for now.

If you want, then you can also take a look at my other articles that are relevant to this subject. See you soon.

If you need to grow your Medium account then you’ll find this ebook useful — The Medium Program — Traffic, Engagement and Revenue



Hazel Paradise

Top Writer On Medium. Writer of 90+ books under multiple pen names. Yes, I make money writing ebooks.