Software I Use As A Writer

Tools I Personally Use and Recommend

Hazel Paradise
3 min readSep 24, 2022
Photo by Max Andrey on Unsplash

It’s pointless to have a nice clean desk because it means you’re not doing anything. — Michio Kaku

Authors work alone and technology can make their life easier and speed up the writing process.

I have been writing Ebooks for the last 10 years and I know how much important it is to have technology that could help you to make your writing business smooth and efficient.

We authors, many times have to wear a business hat as well. And marketing and handling our own website is something we cannot ignore. So, to work with ease, I have tried a lot of software used by writers. I am listing here what I currently use.

Features I Look In My Chosen Tools -

1. Easy To Use — We authors know less about the technical side so better that whatever software we use should be easy to use. We don’t want software that gives us a headache all the time.

2. Simple Interface — Having too many tabs and subtabs with all the popups saying “How Can I Help You” doesn’t help at all. It’s a distraction more than a help. I like the clean layout. Few effective tabs are enough for me.

3. Efficient — We all want that right? We are looking for efficient and reliable software which we don’t have to change once we set in.

Tools I Use Daily

So, without wasting any time, let’s get into this. These are all software I use in my daily life, and no doubt they make my writing business much easier. Some are paid ones but I tried my best to use the free ones that are available.

1. Hemingway App — This is a popular app that has been used by writers for many years. at first, when I heard about this app, I was reluctant to use it. I thought there was nothing it could offer me because at that time I has Grammarly and google Docs. But, now, I write most of my posts on Hemingway. The interface is neat and clean and simple to use. There is a desktop version as well, which you should definitely try.

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2. Google Docs — Who doesn’t know it? You must be using it already I guess and then maybe writing a long post on this will be worthless. If you haven’t already then create a Gmail account and start working on Google Docs. It is absolutely FREE, forever.

3. Calibre — This is FREE software that helps to convert any file into different formats. I write in Google Docs and then convert that Doc file into Epub format. Other formats available are shown in the image.

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4. Photoshop — I used to use Canva before but I needed more control over my layouts. So I shifted to Photoshop. I watched a one-hour video on YouTube and read some articles on clippings and this was all. I made all pins, posts, and covers myself. This is paid, if you want a free option then Inkscape is best for you. It’s 100% free and completely runs on donations. I really like this software. Give it a try.

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I am trying more software that can speed up the writing process. Will add it here to let you know.

Hope this list will help you to get started with your online writing journey. if you have any software that you use and like, please comment so that others will know about it as well.

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Hazel Paradise

Top Writer On Medium. Writer of 90+ books under multiple pen names. Yes, I make money writing ebooks.