Why I Am Not a Digital Nomad

long-term traveling is not for me

Hazel Paradise
4 min readOct 3, 2023
Photo by Ulises Guareschi Corvetto on Unsplash

Being a Digital Nomad is not for everyone.

Everyone is looking for two things right now:

  1. Make multiple passive incomes.
  2. Traveling the world

I started online with the aim of traveling the world. This was the real reason (along with my love for writing) that I decided to write ebooks for Amazon KDP.

But with the passage of time, we tend to change.

I was crazy back in my 20s. Now, I am looking for more stability in my 30s.

Here I will be giving reasons as to why digital nomad is not for me.

I want a daily routine.

I like a routine. I have almost the same routine every single day.

Wake up early and go for a long walk. After coming back, take a glass of warm water with turmeric (sometimes with honey). I sit for work. After an hour, I’ll have my morning tea with my mom and talk about things that actually don’t matter much. I’ll clean the house, followed by a bath, and then cook something to eat. I again sit for my work till 2–2:30. Take a short nap (because of my constant eye pain) and then get back to work. Before going to sleep, I take a long walk again.

My routine is pretty much the same every single day. It changes only on Sundays if we go out.

I really like to stick to my routine. I am not comfortable with changes anymore.

When I travel, my laptop stays at home

I do travel to nearby places. But these vacations are only for a few days, and I don’t work on those days. I travel to stay away from work. Carrying a laptop doesn’t make any sense.

I wish I could keep my phone back at home as well. If my family comes to know about my travel, they’ll be constantly asking me to take photos and videos of the place, and I am not a fan of doing so.

I am more of a money-saver now

I am not a teen anymore. My 20s have ended this year, and now I want to focus more on saving money.

Traveling isn’t cheap.

I have stopped buying clothes unless I need them or there are some important dates coming up (like my cousin’s wedding this year). Apart from this, I rarely go to parties, so no clothes for me.

I get sick during travels (fever, inability to eat outside food most of the time, red spots on my skin, etc..)

I always get a common cold and fever when there is a change in the weather. The last time, I got red spots all over my body due to physical stress. I was bedridden for 7 days.

Note: I have started my yoga practice and started eating healthy food. I have started to add dry fruits and seeds to my diet (after my mom scolded me constantly for months). So I am seeing some changes, but still not what I was in my 20s.

I hate to think about — where to stay, what to eat, what to do

This problem never leaves me until I get back home. I am constantly thinking about my destination. As a woman, it can be a little worrisome if you arrive at the destination place after 10 p.m. when the streets have become almost empty.

I prefer being a paying guest more than staying at a hotel; at least there will be someone to talk to. But for that, you need guts!

Hotels are not cheap anymore. Forget that heavy discount coupon you get on the internet. You will spend more time searching for cheap stays rather than enjoying the vacation.


I won’t say traveling is not a good thing. I do solo travel every now and then, but it’s for a definite period. I mostly don’t travel with my laptop because that’s the number one reason I am traveling…. to stay away from my work.

Traveling (for a short period) helps me to stay away from my laptop.

No eye pain. No headache. No back pain.

If you like traveling a lot, then being a digital nomad is perfect for you. But for me, I don’t want to travel that long. Short and sweet travels are okay for me.

Maybe in the future, I will become one. We all change our minds someday. After all, nothing is constant in this world.

But for now, I prefer to work from home.

If you want to know more about making money writing short ebooks, then you can check out my book “Small Ebooks, Big Income”. Happy Writing Journey!



Hazel Paradise

Top Writer On Medium. Writer of 90+ books under multiple pen names. Yes, I make money writing ebooks.