Why I Price My Ebooks Below $9 on Amazon KDP

pricing strategy for self-publishing platforms

Hazel Paradise
2 min readOct 11, 2023
Photo by Windows on Unsplash

Amazon readers read a lot! And so they prefer books with less price!

You can sell your books in three forms -

  1. Ebooks
  2. Audiobooks
  3. Paperback

From this, audiobooks are priced at the highest.

Here, I will discuss only my pricing strategy for ebooks on self-publishing platforms like Amazon KDP, Apple iBooks, Nook, and so on. I have tried pricing my books as high as $15, but somehow I find it very difficult to sell at that price. This is reversed compared to selling through your own website. Authors and creators charge as much as $100 for ebooks. Selling on a self-publishing platform is very different from selling on our own website.

Why I Keep Prices Low On Self-Publishing Platforms

  1. Readers read a lot! There are avid readers on Amazon KDP who read an average of 2–3 books per week!
  2. Readers are willing to buy books from unknown authors. This doesn’t happen if you are selling books through your social media account or your website. You need an audience for that. If when it comes to Amazon KDP more than 50% of the sales will come from those who haven’t read your books yet!
  3. I have so many good books in my tech niche that writers are selling their top-quality ebooks as low as $3 but still make a lot of sales throughout the year.
  4. I always keep the price low for the first book in the series. And the rest are priced high. If they like the first book, then they will buy other parts of the series as well.
  5. If you price your ebooks between $2.99 and $9.99, then you will receive a 70% royalty on your ebooks.


Pricing matters a lot in the self-publishing world. If you are selling through your own website, then you need to price higher than this because you do the marketing, and then there are many hidden costs as well. But when it comes to self-publishing, the price is as low as possible. You are getting access to a whole pool of readers in your genre. And that’s the most difficult task to do! Finding your readers is never easy!

Going this way, you make money in the long run.

If you want to know more about making money on Fiverr, then you can check out my book “Small Ebooks, Big Money”. Happy Writing Journey!



Hazel Paradise

Top Writer On Medium. Writer of 90+ books under multiple pen names. Yes, I make money writing ebooks.