How To Become A Ghostwriter

Why I Still Do Ghostwriting Part-Time

…when you find joy in writing but don’t particularly crave the spotlight

Hazel Paradise
3 min readJun 28, 2023
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Ghostwriting can be rewarding for those who like to make quick money. Self-publishing often takes a minimum of 60 days to pay for your hard work.

Ghostwriting has become one of the most popular side hustles where writers from all backgrounds can get into this without any previous skills.

I started with no prior skills and just with a few books self-published on Amazon. Now this cannot be added to the ghostwriting portfolio but buyers on marketplaces like Fiverr or Upwork hardly care about it. You just show them a few writing samples and that’s it! If you can write a few sentences with decent English then this is for you!

Why I chose to keep in contact with my previous clients even though I make full-time from self-publishing-

  1. Financial Stability — I have small businesses along with a self-publishing career but still, every writer would like to have more ways to make money through writing. You don’t know when one of them will completely go away or maybe you are kicked out from the platforms for stupid reasons.
  2. Don’t have to seek new clients all the time — I am not paid as much as a professional ghostwriter because I do this part-time. And this means that I don’t take any more clients but I keep on getting work from my previous clients. I have a few clients that I got through Fiverr and some through Twitter and I still work with them. Marketing all the time takes a tremendous amount of energy and even at the end of the day, you feel like you did nothing!
  3. Establishing Network — This has happened to me just once but a client who had worked with me on two projects recommended me to one of their friends as well. In this way, I pay more attention to getting things done properly and on time rather than worrying about finding the next client. My clients do free advertisements for me.
  4. Professional Growth — When I wrote my first book, it took me months to complete it. Because I was really really slow at that time and would spend hours trying to perfect each and every sentence of my book. But a time comes when words flow through you and you don’t have to face writer’s block anymore! This problem gets less and less as you move further in your niche.
  5. Less Stress — This depends on the type of project you are taking. If you go for a fantasy book or a biography then it’s more work. But for many niches out there, it’s less stressful. I work fast with some niches and don’t have to go through much research because most of the book I ghostwrite is already under my expertise. I rarely venture outside of it.

Conclusion -

I haven’t tried Ghostwriting full-time but part-time? It’s definitely worth it. I don’t have to do marketing anymore. You give your best to a few clients and in return, you keep getting work from them.

I hope this short series on Ghostwriting will help you out with your ghostwriting journey. If you want to learn more about Ghostwriting business then you can check out my book — How I Make Money Ghostwriting for Youtubers and Writers



Hazel Paradise

Top Writer On Medium. Writer of 90+ books under multiple pen names. Yes, I make money writing ebooks.