Writing From A Mountain — Your GoTo Guide For Making Money Through Writing

Hazel Paradise
4 min readAug 18, 2022


Photo by Till Daling on Unsplash

Note — If you want quick money then I am sorry. This article won’t help. I am giving here the very foundation that helped me to make multiple income streams from writing. And this… requires time.

We all have a dream. And that dream is to quit our day job and either work from home or shift to a new place where we would be meeting new people and discovering new life… that we somewhat forgot when we were having a cubicle job.

9 to 5 job is not that bad. If you have bills to pay and a family to take care then you don’t have much choice. I’ll tell you from scratch what to do and how to make a full-time income from writing.

And one more thing — There are no secrets

** Full-time income doesn’t mean a 6-figure writing empire. For me, full-time income is -

  • Paying all my bills
  • Make sure my family has enough in terms of money (I haven’t bought a car yet!)
  • I don’t have to go back to my old cubicle job.
  • I can have a vacation when I get tired of this writing business (which happens every week).

So, this article is not for people who want -

  1. To earn thousand dollars per month. You are blessed that you don’t have that kind of everyday stress. The pain near our eyes and the constant headache.
  2. To earn some quick bucks. You can write articles if you want to but I would suggest doing part-time and concentrating FULLY on writing. Time will fly by and you won’t even realize how much time has been gone.
  3. To earn money just because they think writing makes a lot of money. I once thought Web Developer makes lots of money too. But when you don’t have passion, you’ll fall off soon!
  4. To just run away from their day job. You are just dissipating your energy. Find your interest first. Or start experimenting.

I’ll lay here some easy steps for absolute beginners.

Remember, this requires time. Rushing won’t help.

You have to work har and…….. results are not in your hands.

I won’t waste much of your time -

  1. Finding your niche. This is the foundation. If you fail in this then you are going to stop doing this business after some time. It’s a total waste of time. Find your niche. You can broaden it later. You won’t be pigeon-holed, I promise.
  2. The chosen niche should be something you already know. I like gardening but I cannot teach or write about gardening because then I have to see others writing and copy them. I have no idea what tools are required. (I do everything by my hands. Farm girl here!). I have no idea about current market trends. I will have to read something related before writing anything on it. Don’t write what you don’t know, even if many people are making lots of money. They are experts and love their field.
  3. Stick to the niche for some time. I have three pen names. I have wasted so much time writing under three pen names in these 10 years that I regret it now. I want you to take the direct path and not the serpentine path.
  4. Develop one niche nicely. Give at least six months and then shift to another, maintaining the first one.


5. Yes, but one thing is that you have to work fewer hours after some time. I used to work at night or early mornings. Now I work during day time. I don’t want to just earn money and miss the LIFE that is passing by me like a river.

6. Treat this as a business. Work every day. Even holidays because once you lose interest, then you’ll go on taking breaks.


7. Live A Minimalist Life — Earning more money and then losing it on useless stuff, doesn’t make any sense. You won’t become financially free until you live a simple yet healthy life. Earn enough and live a stressless life.

8. Eat Healthily — Eating too much of arteries blocking food items like cheese, spicy stuff, burgers, and pizza is gonna gift you with low energy, digestive problems, and acidity which in return is gonna make this writing journey slow. Eat healthy like veggies, fruits, and sprouts. Be under budget but eat healthy instead of garbage.

9. Don’t Change Your Direction All The Time — Today you wanna write romance and then the next day you wanna be a nonfiction writer. Decide what you want and stick to it. (Until you make your first $100)


Let’s end this here. But I hope you got the point.

Just Keep On Writing!

If you want to know more about making money writing ebooks, then you can check out my book “My Mistakes in Self-Publishing”. Happy Writing Journey!



Hazel Paradise

Top Writer On Medium. Writer of 90+ books under multiple pen names. Yes, I make money writing ebooks.