Azraielle Pt. 07: Training Day

6 min readJan 16, 2021


Azrie made her way back to intrigue, well she had intended on making her way back, but when she left her apartment, she found the familiar door across the hall. Diana opened the door with alarming accuracy and ushered Azrie in just as she finished locking her door. Azrie didn’t have time to realize she was even confused before Diana explained.

“That shouldn’t be surprising to you,” Diana remarked. “You came through a portal to get to Earth. Did you think that was the only use for them?”

Awareness that she had missed such an obvious conclusion crossed her face. Slightly embarrassed, she replied, “No, I guess not. It’s a door, though. I’ve only ever seen the swirling vortex kind.”

Diana was gentle and nurturing in her reply, “The portals can look like anything vaguely traversable, door, window, cave, spinny portal looking things. Most of the portals which exist on Earth opt for the door solution. It works, raises few suspicions, and most often is undetectable to them. Our primary mode of travel here are these portals. You can dial up any endpoint you want, crave some New York-style pizza? Tell the portal to connect to New York. The mechanism for directing the portal and how it looks, well, that will vary. My advice is don’t go anywhere unless you have an alternate route home. Just in case.”

Still unsure what Azrie would be like, Diana thought it best to be careful in her replies. Diana thought this an apt policy because offending her future queen could have consequences. Even if she didn’t manage to get the throne from Salazar, she would be powerful when Azrie completed her time on Earth. Also, though, Diana remembered Azrie was probably two or three hundred years younger than herself. Diana would have known precisely, except that she’d stopped counting shortly after she hit triple digits.

The lecherous didn’t have a natural death. Their bodies wouldn’t deteriorate or rebel against them for daring to wake up one more day. They could die, though. Long, long ago, near the humans’ arrival or discovery, it’s unclear which was the case, the lecherous would wage war amongst themselves, and many would die regularly. As cliche as it sounds, eventually some powerful lecherous bound them all together blah blah blah, it’s the same story as every other time. Anyway, the most common way the Lecherous could die today was starvation. No lust, no life. How the lecherous had survived, before humans, was lost to time.

Diana had been mentored when she arrived and the chance to mentor, and pay it forward, was appealing. Sirens often were more sentimental and caring than the other lecherous. The allure could cause an uncareful Siren to gain several ducklings, which she’d have to care for. It was easier to care upfront, though, and prevent that from happening. Plus, she wanted to fuck Azrie silly. Succubi were rare, and they fed off and fulfilled the desires you kept hidden. Sometimes they’d even locate a desire which hadn’t risen to the surface yet. That was fun, and Diana was eminently curious about what could still remain in her after so much life.

“I will keep that in mind,” Azrie replied. “So Dee,” Azrie attempted, and Dee did not reject the moniker. “What am I doing today?”

“Waiting mostly, people come every day but rarely arrive on a fixed schedule. There are doors to intrigue spread around the world. Most of the doors are fixed in one location so the humans who come can find them easily. The door I used to get you one of the few ‘cab’ doors we maintain. Occasionally you’ll need to use a cab to allow the platinum customers a discreet exit. After you have spent more time on Earth, you will recognize public officials, politicians, athletes, and so on. It is difficult for those in the spotlight to satisfy some of their, umm, less publicly accepted needs. Those clients are willing to pay, so they’ll call, and we go pick ’em up…”

Azrie nodded along with Dee as she explained how to use the cab. Dee gave her a rundown of activities that may be asked for but could not, and should not, ever be provided. Azrie’s mind started to wander. She didn’t mean to be rude, but she couldn’t help but relive her evening with Steve.

“… and you’ll explain to those assholes that they are lucky we don’t hold and torture them for the next thousand years. Hey, “Dee snapped, shaking Azrie from her trance. “Sorry, Dee, I lost control of my train of thought.”

Suspecting Azrie was remembering her previous evening, Dee ventured, “We’ll get to that. I can smell the sex on you, and I can taste the remnants of that young human in the air. But, you’re radiating lust. Listen, We’re not entirely safe on Earth. And shedding lust like a blown water-main will bring you a lot of trouble. Here, you’re probably safe, but it’s not a guarantee. Until you learn to control, limit, and truly hide, try to keep your mind from revisiting what, I suspect, was a fantastic experience. “

Dee continued, “We’ll practice that, but since I’m just as bored telling you the painfully obvious rules as you are hearing them, we’ll learn by doing. Until then, I’ll keep safe while you recount every detail of your evening. I’m getting hungry. Yout’s been a few days since I last had the free time to attract someone, so I can feast on what you release. You seem about to explode anyway.” As Azrie began recounting her deeds of the previous night, Dee made a note to educate Azrie about the dangers she is undoubtedly ignorant of.

Azrie told Dee about the evening. By the time she finished the story, both women were soaking. Azrie could smell, and desired to taste, Dee’s pussy, but she was sure that would be against some rule or protection in place, so she said nothing.

Dee also could smell the young prize between Azrie’s legs but knew it to be off-limits until Azrie discovered on her own that Dee could take care of the situation. For the time being, Dee collected the sustenance she needed as Azrie leaked lust while she told the story. Tonight, while filling her pussy full of vibrators, Dee would recall Azrie’s scent, and she would relive every word of the story. Dee decided she would treat herself to a new toy for the special occasion. She let her excitement grow with anticipation.

The lecherous were always horny. The uppers could ignore it to be able to blend in, but every day, often more than once, they’d have to cum. They would become overpowered by the need, which was similar but distinct from needing to replenish their energy stores. Dee struggled to keep her hand from her pussy, promising herself more excitement later when she could take proper care of herself and not embarrass her new mentee.

Virginal stories were always the best, and Dee was sure that when Azrie had more experience, they’d share in a moment like this one pleasing themselves and each other. For now, she just imagined the scene, hoping it would come sooner rather than later.

