Expat vs. Local: How Mortgage Requirements Differ in Dubai

Hazel watson
5 min readApr 8, 2024


Dubai’s real estate market is a melting pot of diversity, attracting expatriates and locals alike who aspire to own property in this dynamic city. However, the journey to homeownership, especially regarding home loans in Dubai, can differ significantly depending on one’s residency status. In this in-depth guide, we’ll explore the intricacies of mortgage requirements for expatriates versus locals in Dubai and how mortgage brokers play a pivotal role in facilitating the process.

Understanding Mortgage Requirements for Expats:

Expatriate Status in Dubai:

Expatriates, commonly referred to as expats, constitute a significant portion of Dubai’s population. These are individuals who reside in Dubai temporarily, often for employment or business purposes. While expatriates contribute to the city’s vibrant economy, their transient status can pose challenges when it comes to securing a mortgage.

Challenges Faced by Expats:

Expatriates may encounter additional hurdles when applying for due to various factors. One of the primary challenges is the perception of higher risk associated with expatriates, stemming from concerns about job stability, income stability, and the potential lack of a local credit history.

Importance of Mortgage Brokers in Dubai:

Navigating the complex landscape of mortgage requirements in Dubai can be daunting for expatriates. This is where mortgage brokers play a crucial role. Mortgage brokers act as intermediaries between borrowers and lenders, offering expert guidance and assistance throughout the mortgage application process. Their in-depth knowledge of the local market and connections with various financial institutions enable them to match expatriates with suitable mortgage options.

Key Factors Influencing Mortgage Approval for Expats:

Employment Stability:

Lenders in Dubai typically prioritize applicants who can demonstrate stable employment and a reliable source of income. For expatriates, proving employment stability becomes paramount in securing mortgage approval. Lenders may request documentation such as employment contracts, salary statements, and proof of residency status to assess the borrower’s financial capacity.

Visa Duration:

The duration of an expatriate’s residency visa in Dubai can significantly impact their eligibility for certain mortgage products. Lenders may impose restrictions or offer limited mortgage terms based on the length of the visa. Expatriates with longer-term residency visas may have access to more favorable mortgage options compared to those with shorter-term visas.

Down Payment Requirements:

Expatriates in Dubai often face higher down payment requirements compared to local residents. This is partly attributed to the perceived risk associated with expatriate status. Lenders may require expatriates to make a larger upfront contribution to the property purchase as a means of mitigating risk and ensuring the borrower’s commitment to the investment.

Mortgage Options for Expats in Dubai:

Conventional Mortgages:

Expatriates in Dubai have access to conventional mortgage products offered by banks and financial institutions. These mortgages typically involve fixed or variable interest rates and require borrowers to meet specific eligibility criteria, including income requirements, credit history checks, and down payment obligations.

Sharia-compliant Financing:

Islamic banks in Dubai also provide Sharia-compliant mortgage solutions for expatriates adhering to Islamic principles. Sharia-compliant mortgages, also known as Murabahah or Ijara, offer alternative financing structures that comply with Islamic law, prohibiting interest (riba) and promoting ethical lending practices.

Specialized Expatriate Mortgages:

Recognizing the unique needs of expatriates, some lenders in Dubai offer specialized mortgage products tailored to this demographic. These mortgages may feature flexible terms, extended repayment periods, and accommodation for expatriates with limited local credit history. Specialized expatriate mortgages aim to streamline the borrowing process and provide expatriates with viable homeownership solutions.

Contrasting Mortgage Requirements for Locals:

Local Resident Status:

In contrast to expatriates, local residents, or Emirati citizens, enjoy certain privileges and benefits when it comes to mortgage financing in Dubai. Local residents are considered less risky borrowers by lenders due to their permanent residency status and strong ties to the local community.

Government Support:

The government of Dubai often implements initiatives to support local homeownership and facilitate access to mortgage financing for citizens. These initiatives may include subsidized interest rates, down payment assistance programs, and incentives for first-time homebuyers. Such government support aims to promote social stability, economic growth, and sustainable development within the local real estate sector.

Simplified Documentation:

Local residents typically face less stringent documentation requirements compared to expatriates when applying for mortgages in Dubai. As citizens of the UAE, locals may benefit from streamlined application processes, reduced paperwork, and expedited approval timelines. This streamlined approach reflects the trust and confidence that lenders place in local borrowers.

Role of Mortgage Brokers in Dubai:

Expert Guidance:

Mortgage brokers in Dubai provide expert guidance and assistance to both expatriates and locals throughout the mortgage application process. By leveraging their industry knowledge and experience, mortgage brokers help borrowers navigate the complexities of mortgage requirements, identify suitable loan options, and optimize their borrowing strategies.

Access to Multiple Lenders:

One of the key advantages of working with a mortgage broker is access to a wide network of lenders. Mortgage brokers maintain relationships with various banks, financial institutions, and mortgage providers, allowing them to source competitive loan products tailored to the unique needs and preferences of their clients. This access to multiple lenders increases borrowers’ chances of securing favorable mortgage terms and conditions.

Streamlined Process:

Mortgage brokers streamline the mortgage application process for borrowers, saving time, effort, and potential frustration. From initial consultation to loan approval and closing, mortgage brokers handle all aspects of the borrowing process on behalf of their clients. By acting as intermediaries between borrowers and lenders, mortgage brokers facilitate communication, negotiate terms, and ensure a seamless transaction from start to finish.


In Dubai’s diverse and dynamic real estate market, expatriates and locals share a common aspiration: homeownership. However, the path to homeownership may differ significantly based on one’s residency status, especially regarding mortgage in Dubai for expats. Expatriates face unique challenges and requirements when it comes to securing mortgages in Dubai, including employment stability, visa duration, and down payment obligations. In contrast, local residents enjoy certain privileges and benefits, such as government support and simplified documentation processes. Regardless of residency status, mortgage brokers play a crucial role in guiding borrowers through the mortgage maze, including mortgage in Dubai for expats, providing expert advice, access to multiple lenders, and a streamlined borrowing experience. By understanding the nuances of mortgage requirements for expatriates versus locals, borrowers can make informed decisions and embark on their homeownership journey with confidence.



Hazel watson

This is Hazel Watson, I'm Digital Marketing Specialist.