Covariance and Contravariance Demystified (in C#)

7 min readMar 31, 2016


If you have ever felt frustrated trying to understand what covariance and contravariance really mean then this post is for you. Like many others, I banged my head against the wall trying to wrap my head around these two concepts for quite a long time. This article is an attempt to explain them in simple terms.

What is this about?

Covariance and contravariance are a consequence of one of the simplest rules of thumb you learn when you are introduced to Object-Oriented Programming:

If Cat is subtype of Animal, then an expression of type Cat can be used wherever an expression of type Animal is used.


This rule of thumb can be thought of as a rough definition of an important concept called Subtyping. For instance, as a junior programmer, you might have read some strong warnings about downcasting, possibly accompanied by a code snippet like the one below:

class Animal
class Cat : Animal
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Animal a = new Cat(); // OK: Child to parent
Cat c = new Animal(); // Compiler error: Cannot
// implicitly convert Animal to Cat

This is just a fancy way of saying: you can treat an instance of a derived class as an instance of its parent class. Why? Well, because a derived class has everything its parent does. You may be thinking to yourself: yeah, but what does such a simple principle have to do with covariance and contravariance? This is what we explore next.

How are these concepts related?

First of all, let’s make our Animal and Cat types a little more interesting by adding a couple of properties to them:

class Animal
string ScientificName { get; set; }
class Cat : Animal
string Breed { get; set; }

In this example, we know from our early Object-Oriented Programming days that an object of type Cat can replace an object of type Animal because Cat is a subtype of Animal. Covariance and contravariance come into play whenever we start thinking about other types that “depend on” types like Animal and Cat. Let’s see some examples.

Action<Animal> and Action<Cat>

Action<T> is a generic type in the .NET class library, one that is intended to represent a function that expects a single parameter of type T and returns nothing (void).

When types like Action<T> are used with classes that have inheritance relationships like Animal and Cat, we run into new situations that raise some interesting questions. For instance, knowing that Cat is a subtype of Animal, should it be possible to substitute an Action that expects a Cat with another that expects an Animal? Namely, is it possible to use Action<Animal> in an expression that expects Action<Cat>?

// An example of an Action<Animal> that
// prints Animal.ScientificName to command line.
Action<Animal> animalAction =
(a) => Console.WriteLine(a.ScientificName);
Action<Cat> catAction = animalAction; // Is this valid?

You may be tempted to answer: “No way! How can we substitute an Action that expects a Cat with another that expects an object of a different type?” This substitution is actually possible in this case because Cat is a sub-type of Animal. If you don’t understand why, let’s think about the consequences:

  • catAction is a function that expects a Cat
  • If the code snippet above is allowed, invoking catAction with a Cat will invoke animalAction passing that Cat to it, i.e.
Cat c = new Cat { ScientificName = "Felis catus", Breed = "Asian" };catAction(c);   // Invokes: animalAction(c);

Is it wrong to call animalAction with a Cat object? Definitely not. It’s perfectly valid to replace an Animal with a Cat. This is exactly our good old Object-Oriented Programming rule of thumb we have been talking about all along. A direct consequence of being able to replace Animal objects with Cat objects is that we can also substitute an Action<Cat> with an Action<Animal>.

It is important to observe that the reverse substitution is not valid. Here’s a code snippet that explains why.

// An example of an Action<Cat> that
// prints Cat.Breed to command line.
Action<Cat> catAction =
(c) => Console.WriteLine(c.Breed);
Action<Animal> animalAction = catAction; // Is this valid? No!//
// Worse yet, if the above snippet were valid, it would have been
// possible to invoke an Action<Cat> against an Animal!
Animal a = new Animal { ScientificName = "Canis lupus familiaris" };
animalAction(a); // Effectively invokes catAction(a), but object a
// does not have a "Breed" property!

The key takeaway is that inheritance relationships between types have direct consequences on the exchangeability of other types that depend on them.

Func<Animal> and Func<Cat>

Func<T> is another .NET type that is intended to represent a function that expects no parameters and returns an object of type T.

Here is a simple comparison of Action<T> and Func<T>:

  • Both are generic .NET types
  • Both are used to refer to functions
  • The only difference is that Action<T> represents a function that expects an object of type T as parameter, whereas Func<T> represents a function that returns an object of type T.
// An example of Action<string>
void Log(string s)
// Do something useful with s.
// An example of Func<string>
string GetUserName()
// return some username.
Action<string> logAction = Log;
Func<string> getUserNameFunc = GetUserName;

The question we should be asking ourselves now is: can we replace a Func<Cat> with a Func<Animal> like we did with Action<T>?

// An example of an Func<Animal> that returns some Animal object.
Func<Animal> animalFunc =
() => new Animal { ScientificName = "Canis lupus familiaris" };
Func<Cat> catFunc = animalFunc; // Is this valid?

To answer this question, let’s study the consequences:

  • catFunc is a function that returns a Cat
  • animalFunc is a function that returns an Animal
  • If the code snippet above is allowed, catFunc will return an Animal to the caller of catFunc, which is expecting a Cat.
Cat c = catFunc();  // Calls animalFunc() returning an Animal.

Would it be OK to assign an Animal to a Cat? That’s exactly what our Object-Oriented Programming tutors used to warn us against: you can’t assign a parent to a child.

Unlike Action<T>, it is not valid to substitute a Func<Cat> with a Func<Animal>. Is the reverse substitution possible though? Can we replace Func<Animal> with Func<Cat>?

// An example of an Func<Cat> that returns some Cat object.
Func<Cat> catFunc =
() => new Cat { ScientificName = "Felis catus",
Breed = "Siaemese" };
Func<Animal> animalFunc = catFunc; // Is this valid?

Let’s study the consequences:

  • animalFunc is a function that returns an Animal
  • catFunc is a function that returns a Cat
  • If the code above is allowed, animalFunc will invoke catFunc, thus returning a Cat to the caller of animalFunc, which is expecting an Animal. But that’s alright because a Cat is definitely an Animal.

To sum up, a direct consequence of the inheritance relationship between Cat and Animal is that we can substitute a Func<Animal> with a Func<Cat>.

Why are Action<T> and Func<T> different?

You may be wondering why the exchangeability of Animal and Cat objects was reversed between Action<T> and Func<T>, i.e.


The reason is pretty simple: Action<T> expects an object of type T as input, whereas Func<T> returns an object of type T as output.

Figure 1 illustrates this idea very simply: an expression expecting a subtype as input can be substituted with another that expects its super-type. This is similar to our first example where it was possible to replace an Action<Cat> with an Action<Animal>.

Fig.1 [a] Replace an expression that expects a subtype (as input) with another that expects its super-type. This is possible because it’s always safe to assign a child to its parent. [b] illustrates that the converse is not true.

Figure 2 illustrates the second example: an expression producing a super-type as output can be substituted with another that produces its subtype. This explains why we were able to replace Func<Animal> with Func<Cat> but not the other way around.

Fig.2 [a] Replace an expression that produces a super-type (as output) with another that produces its subtype. This is possible because it’s always safe to assign a child to its parent. [b] illustrates that the converse is not true.

Direction matters

As it turns out, the exchangeability of super and sub-types depends on whether these types are used as input or output.

In our first example, it was possible to replace Action<Cat> with Action<Animal> because the object involved was an input parameter to Action<T>. To indicate that Action<sub-type> can be replaced with Action<super-type>, the authors of Action<T> annotate T with the special keyword in:

// Copied from:
public delegate void Action<in T>(
T obj

This useful substitutability is called contravariance.

In our second example, Func<Animal> was replaceable with Func<Cat> because the object involved was an output of Func<T>. To indicate that Func<super-type> can be replaced with Func<sub-type>, the authors of Func<T> annotate T with the special keyword out:

// Copied from:
public delegate TResult Func<out TResult>()

And, yes, this is covariance indeed.

It is important to realize how useful covariance and contravariance are in practice. Thanks to these two concepts, it is possible to do things like:

  1. passing an IEnumerable<string> to a function that expects an IEnumerable<object>
  2. specifying an IComparer<Shape> where an IComparer<Circle> is expected (where Circle is a subtype of Shape)

I hope this article helped you understand covariance and contravariance a little better. It is OK if they still feel a little confusing though. Such concepts often take some time to sink in. Just keep looking at examples and don’t forget:

  • These concepts are only relevant for types that “depend-on” other types, e.g. generics.
  • They are a direct consequence of Subtyping; an old rule of thumb all of us know about Object-Oriented Programming.
  • Direction matters (input vs. output)

Happy hacking!

