Part 2: Pathways to Empowerment — A Youth Perspective

Pierre Ntango, HAZEYouth
10 min readDec 8, 2023


Photo by James Baldwin on Unsplash

Part 1: Unpacking the Motivators of Young Minds,” gives us an insightful look into what fuels the drive of today’s youth, based on the HAZEYouth Survey 2021. With 32.6% of young people reporting high motivation and an additional 25.6% demonstrating very high motivation, it’s clear there’s a strong push towards achieving goals. But what about the others? A notable minority showed lower motivation, pointing to areas where we can step in to help. The survey highlighted not just career and financial goals, but also the significant impact of family, social ties, and personal passions.

Now, in “Pathways to Empowerment,” we pivot to what comes next: How can we use this information to truly empower young people? What strategies do young people themselves believe will lift them up? Imagine the potential when we align HAZEYouth’s initiatives with the passions and drives of these young minds. Could mentorship be the key, or perhaps a focus on skill-building? What innovative approaches can we harness to not just engage but energize our youth? Let’s explore these pathways to empowerment and see how we can turn motivation into action.

Support and Mentorship: Key to Empowering Youth Journeys

A remarkable 75.8% of young respondents recognize the crucial role of support and mentorship in their empowerment. What are they seeking beyond financial assistance? They desire a nurturing environment rich in guidance, encouragement, and practical wisdom. How important is mentorship to them? They see it as essential, going beyond basic advice to include role models who can share life experiences and guide them through challenges.

This aspiration for mentorship extends into community engagement. How can young people grow and take responsibility? Through engaging in community activities, they can develop skills and a sense of duty. What kind of support network are they advocating for? They call for one that values and nurtures their unique talents and aids in making their dreams a reality.

Moreover, how do young people view their role in the community? They emphasize the importance of community integration in building connections and increasing societal awareness. What do they see as a means to develop employable skills and achieve financial independence? Participation in income-generating activities is viewed as a key pathway.

In sum, what does the ideal support and mentorship framework look like to them? Young people envision a framework that blends encouragement with practical support, encompassing incentives for business startups, career guidance, counseling, and exposure to diverse cultures and opportunities. In essence, they seek a comprehensive approach to support and mentorship, one that equips them with the tools, confidence, and opportunities to unveil and enhance their talents.

Education and Skills: Shaping Tomorrow’s Leaders

A remarkable 71.7% of young people stress the importance of education and skills development, signaling a shift beyond traditional schooling. What are today’s youth really seeking in their educational journey? They envision a system that equips them with practical, real-world skills, preparing them for both the workforce and life’s broader challenges. Career guidance, training camps, internships, and apprenticeships are crucial components of this vision. These aren’t just opportunities for learning; they’re stepping stones to real-world experience and essential life skills development.

Young people call for an educational reform that ensures learning is accessible, affordable, and of high quality. Their focus isn’t limited to conventional academics; they advocate for holistic education including public speaking, financial literacy, and mental health awareness. Why? Because being well-rounded is key in today’s rapidly changing world.

Moreover, they emphasize the need for collaborative environments for sharing information and experiences. How can we bridge the gap between theoretical learning and practical application? Internships and mentorships offer a solution, providing vital exposure and experience.

In essence, young people demand more than just knowledge acquisition; they seek a comprehensive approach that nurtures talent, fosters skill development, and prepares them to confidently face the world’s evolving challenges. Are we ready to meet these demands and help shape a resilient, capable generation?

Technology and Innovation: Youth Driving the Digital Future

A significant 61.6% of young people emphasize the importance of technology and innovation in their empowerment, highlighting a generation keen to engage with the digital age. What does this mean for their future? They seek not only access to the Internet and emerging technologies but also the ability to effectively utilize these platforms for learning, creativity, and entrepreneurship. How can we ensure they are equipped for this digital era?

Young respondents see technology as a critical tool for expression and connection. They view the digital world as a space to showcase their talents, not just in technical skills but in the creative articulation of ideas and exercising freedom of speech. This perspective extends to how they want to influence the world — they aspire to turn their words into action and change.

The call for greater connectivity underscores the need for digital literacy, now as fundamental as traditional education. Young people are demanding the tools to innovate and compete globally. But how can we support them? It involves more than just providing technology; it’s about educating young people to use it effectively and responsibly.

This focus on technology and innovation reflects young people’s desire to actively participate in and shape the digital landscape. They understand the power of technology in fostering freedom of expression, a cornerstone of a vibrant democracy. By equipping young people with the latest digital skills and fostering an environment that values free expression, we can empower them to not only navigate but also lead in the digital age.

Employment and Economic Empowerment: A Vision for Youth Independence

Half of the young respondents emphasize the significance of employment and economic empowerment in their path to self-sufficiency. This goes beyond finding jobs and involves creating meaningful employment opportunities that align with their skills and passions. What does this mean for their future? They envision a job landscape abundant with opportunities, where not only existing roles are filled, but new ones are continually created. How can this vision become reality?

Young people call for proactive job creation and an environment conducive to nurturing new employment possibilities. They advocate for support in entrepreneurship, seeking access to start-up capital, tax incentives for youth-owned businesses, and low-interest credit facilities. Why? Because such support is essential for spurring business creation and cultivating an ecosystem where young entrepreneurs can flourish.

Moreover, the youth recognize the importance of skills for the modern workplace. They value entrepreneurship guidance and skills development, viewing them as crucial for navigating the business world. Investment and savings are also integral to this narrative, with young people seeking advice on financial management for long-term stability and success.

In essence, the pursuit of employment and economic empowerment among young people is a complex endeavor. It requires not just job provision but also the creation of an environment where entrepreneurial skills are developed, and financial literacy is prioritized. By addressing these needs, we lay the foundation for a future where the economic aspirations of the youth are tangible and achievable.

Mental Health and Well-being: A Youth Priority

Representing 41.4% of responses, young people strongly emphasize the importance of mental health and well-being. What are they seeking for a balanced approach to life? They call for support systems that nurture not just physical health but also emotional and psychological well-being. How can this holistic care be achieved?

They advocate for guidance and counseling services that offer safe spaces for personal growth and learning to manage life’s challenges, including the pressure to engage in harmful behaviors. Young people see practical engagement in activities like sports, arts, handcrafting, and drama as vital for mental wellness, providing stress relief, self-expression, and identity development.

The role of education is highlighted, with a demand for a syllabus that promotes mental health awareness, creativity, and innovation. Community centers and extracurricular activities are viewed as crucial for providing supportive and enriching environments. But what about their self-esteem and confidence?

Building self-esteem is identified as essential, with activities that foster a positive self-image and resilience against mental health challenges. Equipping young people with entrepreneurial skills is also seen as key to fostering self-reliance and a sense of accomplishment.

Young people also call for more positive messaging in media and education, advocating for freedom of expression and equal opportunities in all life aspects, including technology access, spiritual growth, and positive thinking. They believe these elements are integral to a well-rounded sense of well-being.

Ultimately, young people are asking for more than just awareness — they demand active, ongoing support in creating environments that encourage belonging, self-discovery, and unconditional respect and love. Through these measures, they believe they can build the inner strength to confidently face the world.

Community and Social Engagement: Empowering Youth for Collective Impact

For 15.2% of young people, community and social engagement is a key aspect of empowerment, reflecting a desire for deep connections and active participation in their communities. How are they seeking to forge these bonds? They envision a blend of technology, shared activities, and meaningful community work as a modern approach to strengthen community ties and foster unity.

Young people recognize the power of technology not just as a communication tool but as a means to share talents and create opportunities for employment and entrepreneurship. They advocate for the creation of jobs within their communities, supporting grassroots economic development. But what about their personal and professional growth?

Engagement in community work is seen as more than social interaction; it’s an opportunity to contribute to local development while building essential interpersonal skills and work ethic. Young people value spiritual and religious principles, which provide a moral compass and a sense of purpose in their lives.

They emphasize the need for spaces like community centers for music, sports, and drama, where they can express themselves and develop their talents. These centers are not only hubs for skill development but also for nurturing mental health and well-being.

Support from the community, through financial aid or mentorship, is deemed vital for empowering young people to face challenges and seize opportunities. They call for access to business development services and hands-on training to support their entrepreneurial goals.

In essence, young people envision a holistic approach to community engagement, intertwining economic empowerment with personal growth and skill development, within a supportive and interconnected community. This framework, they believe, is where true empowerment lies, allowing them to grow, contribute, and thrive as valued members of society.

HAZEYouth Initiatives: Shaping the Future of Youth Empowerment

HAZEYouth has initiated various programs aimed at empowering young people. But what’s next in their journey to foster youth development? The organization has implemented career guidance, intergenerational relationship promotion, confidence-building platforms, and mentorship programs. How do these initiatives impact young lives? They equip youth with the necessary tools, resources, and support to harness their talents and positively contribute to society.

But what areas still need attention? While HAZEYouth doesn’t offer direct educational resources, it emphasizes the importance of knowledge as an essential asset. How does this belief translate into action? Through life skills workshops, mentorship programs, and platforms for creative and digital productivity, HAZEYouth commits to fostering personal growth and social dynamics.

The organization also utilizes the arts, especially music, to encourage positive self-expression and drive social change. But what about holistic well-being? HAZEYouth focuses on community outreach and education, highlighting prevention and recovery, and nurturing well-being through supportive spaces both online and in educational settings.

What’s on the horizon for HAZEYouth? As the organization looks to the future, it continues to evolve and expand its programs to meet the ever-changing needs of young people. Part 3 of the series will explore the skills that young people are eager to develop for their future success. How can you be a part of this growth? Join HAZEYouth in this exciting journey to empower the next generation, shaping a future where every young person can realize their potential.

Stay tuned for more insights and join the movement to empower youth and shape the future.

#HAZEYouth #YouthDevelopment #CareerGuidance #MentorshipMatters #IntergenerationalConnections #ConfidenceBuilding #CreativeYouth #DigitalProductivity #SocialChange #PersonalGrowth #CommunityOutreach #FutureLeaders #WellbeingWarriors #YouthSkillsDevelopment #PierreNtango

About the Author

Pierre Ntango is the Founding Executive Director of Haze Music for Youth Empowerment, commonly referred to as HAZEYouth. His own journey of transformation, from youthful struggles with substance abuse to a profound spiritual awakening, provided him with invaluable life lessons that fuel his passion for youth empowerment. These experiences inspired him to establish HAZEYouth, a platform dedicated to fostering growth, creativity, and holistic well-being among young individuals. Under his visionary leadership, the organization has become a haven for youth seeking to navigate the complexities of modern life while preserving a sense of community and spiritual harmony.



Pierre Ntango, HAZEYouth

Founding Exec Director HAZEYouth, Transforms young minds, catalyzes creativity and excellence. Reformed rebel turned youth advocate, musician, songwriter.