Revolutionary Blockchain based Platform for Agriculture ; DEMETER

Hasini Lakshika
4 min readNov 19, 2017

Sometimes you may be a farmer who are looking for higher returns from your farm business… or else you may be a consumer who are looking for healthy dietary solution in the market .Definitely you will be surprised with that great news. “There is an excellent platform for both of you which is called as DEMETER.

Have you ever heard the word of ‘Demeter’? Sometimes you may be…..There is an ancient Greek god of agriculture who is called as Demeter, the symbol of life and the cycle of nature.

Don’t be confused….This is not about a legend. This is about the beginning of new era of future agriculture. “Demeter” is an innovative project, which had been initiated based on the concept of “Micro-farm-to-table made possible — anywhere in the world”. It is offering a distinctive solution for inherent problems of farmers & food-consumers.

Something from history……..

As you all know, traditional agriculture was aimed the subsistence level of production by using locally available natural resources. But with the pressure of increasing population, it is required to produce more foods to feed for growing population. In this case nearly in 1980, the green revolution was introduced to the world with the purpose of enhancing harvest per unit of land area &cropping intensity.Therefore farmers were tremendously adapted to the hybrid seed varieties, chemical fertilizers & agro-chemicals such as pesticides, insecticides & weedicides to obtain the highest possible yield while suppressing environmental constraints.

However this extensive chemical- based farming systems was resulting in severe long term negative consequences. More especially it was collapsed the opportunity to access the healthy foods.After realizing a wide range of health & ecological challenges, a positive trend towards the sustainable farming systems, especially for organic farming systems is emerged in the world.

Still there is a challenge………

However significantly less number of the farmers in the world have relied on organic farming systems. Therefore the consumers, who are interested in organic foods, still have a problem to access to reliable organic foods with affordable price.

Also it is essential to concern the point of the view of majority of small scale farmers. Within the last few decades, lean supply chains of agriculture was replaced with very complex market chains where large number of intermediaries are involved. So small-scale farmers are receiving very low profit margins while large scale-mass producers & middlemen are benefited more.

Demeter is the solution……. It’s ag4.0. (Agriculture 4.0)

Demeter is the next revolution of agriculture; it will be the beginning of new era of world agriculture sector. Demeter is going to offer healthy & quality foods for consumers while rendering farmers with higher returns through eliminating intermediaries from the conventional supply chains. Therefore Demeter will be a turning point of agriculture in the modern world as offering economically viable, socially justifiable & environmentally sound sustainable solution.

If you are a consumer, the platform is providing you the opportunity;

  • To have your own micro farm
  • To decide exactly what you want to grow there
  • To know exactly how it is growing
  • To decide regarding picking & delivery of your harvest
  • To connect with local farmers who are compatible with your needs & communicate with your farmer for each and every detail of your own micro farm.
  • If you are not interested in securing your own micro-farm because you think it as too complicated — you have still be able to use the platform. You only have to select what, when and how you want your produce delivered — knowing exactly how it was made

“Therefor DEMETER is conceptualized as the micro-farm-to-table ecosystem.”

If you are a farmer, the platform is providing you the opportunity;

  • To sell your produce to target consumers — directly on the site
  • To produce what your consumer want without anyone of middleman involvement.

What is the DMT token?

All the value based transactions within the Demeter agricultural system will be powered by DMT tokens. Simply said as everything in the platform is directly paid by DMT. It is Ethereum based token ,therefore Demeter platform is facilitating for fully trustful & secured transactions among potential participants.

Something special……..

  • It’s decentralized for everyone
  • Ensures 100% secure, fast,trustful and cheap transactions
  • Freedom to store DMT in various types of different wallets. (No any transaction fees, exchange rates & etc…)

The Demeter ICO has already started since November 18, 2017,the participants who are looking for revolutionary agricultural platform having a great opportunity to invest.

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