Microsoft .NET 8 and C# 12 Offer Significant Enhancements to Improve Your Development Process.

Oluwasegun Haziz
6 min readNov 16, 2023



It’s time to embrace the new upgrades in the world of software development! Microsoft .NET 8 and C# 12 have ushered in a new era of enhanced productivity, greater reliability, and improved developer experience. The latest Visual Studio 2022 release and .NET 8 SDK have made it easier for developers to implement these new enhancements. Why should you care about these latest upgrades, you ask? Well, they offer several benefits such as streamlined identity management, enhanced security, and improved performance. By adopting .NET 8 and C# 12, developers can create better-quality applications with ease. So, let us dive in and explore the new features and why you should be all up for embracing them!

Visual Studio 2022 and .NET 8

Visual Studio 2022 and .NET 8 are the latest additions to the Visual Studio family of tools. And let us tell you, they are the superheroes you never knew you needed, offering unprecedented speed and flexibility to your development process. With features like streamlined identity management and form-binding for Web APIs, enhanced debugging options, and cross-platform compatibility, you’ll feel like a superhero too! Visual Studio 2022 alone brings enough benefits to the table that it would take a blog post in and of itself to cover them all. But to give you a quick rundown, you’ll be able to take advantage of features such as auto-completion, syntax highlighting, and analysers to create high-quality Web APIs. And the icing on the cake? The Visual Studio Code and C# Dev Kit make it incredibly easy to get started with .NET 8. Speaking of .NET 8, there’s no shortage of reasons to start using it today. Not only does it bring a host of new features like cookie-based authentication and unmapped member handling to enhance your security options, but it also offers new production-ready defaults and improved performance over its predecessor. With the new GitHub Codespaces template for .NET, which includes a set of pre-installed extensions and the .NET SDK, you can be up and running in no time. If you want to take your C# development to the next level with .NET 8, you need to check out the new tooling features. They make it easy to create primary constructors, work with collection expressions, and use alias directives to alias any type — not just named ones. And with options like ref read-only parameters, you’ll have better data protection and improved performance while coding. All these fantastic features in Visual Studio and .NET 8 are ideal for developers looking to increase productivity and write better code, and we recommend them wholeheartedly. So, go ahead, give them a try, and you’ll see how much easier your coding life can be.

ASP.NET Core Enhancements

ASP.NET Core has been updated with new features that simplify identity management for single-page applications, while also providing improved security and form bindings for web APIs. Along with these features, new APIs have been introduced that provide better protection against cross-site request forgery (XSRF/CSRF). These updated features help boost productivity by streamlining the authentication and authorization processes for developers. One of the most significant updates to ASP.NET Core is the streamlined identity management for single-page applications. Developers can now easily create robust applications with cookie-based authentication, pre-built APIs, and token support. Additionally, a new identity UI powered by Blazor is available. To enhance security, ASP.NET Core now provides support for form bindings, anti-forgery measures to protect against XSRF/CSRF attacks, and asParameters support for parameter-binding with Open API definitions. This feature ensures better data protection and security for developers. Overall, these updates provide better performance and reliability to developers using ASP.NET Core in their projects. So, if you’re looking for a more streamlined and secure authentication process for your application, these updates to ASP.NET Core are well worth considering.

Entity Framework Core Improvements

Entity Framework Core improvements in .NET 8 come packed with exciting new features that will delight developers. The support for “complex types” as value objects is a real game-changer, allowing you to elegantly define objects without having to add a bunch of fields and properties. This will make your code more expressive and easier to maintain. Another great feature is the improved collection support, with primitive collections and SQL Server support for hierarchical data. This enables developers to work with large sets of data in more efficient and effective ways, enhancing the runtime performance as well. Getting databases to work correctly can be tricky and lead to security vulnerabilities when not done correctly. The new feature of improved security for hierarchical data will help mitigate any security risks and provide peace of mind to developers. With these improvements, Entity Framework Core is now better than ever and a great choice for developers looking to build high-performance, secure, and scalable applications. The improved collections, along with the SQL Server and Hierarchical data support, add flexibility to programming and can provide developers with the necessary power to take on any challenges that come their way.

New Features in C# 12

Microsoft has always been committed to making programming languages that are not only user-friendly but also highly intuitive. And that’s precisely what C# 12 is all about. This latest version has made programming more accessible and much more enjoyable for developers. Let’s have a look at some of its key features: Primary Constructors for Code Initialization: With Primary Constructors, you can now effortlessly initialize fields and properties in any class or struct with a straightforward and elegant syntax. The new syntax replaces boilerplate code with concise code when creating instances of classes or structures. So, no more tedious work! Collection Expressions for Simpler Syntax: Collections, arrays, and spans are now easier to create thanks to the newly introduced Collection Expressions. The concise and expressive syntax of Collection Expressions will make creating collection types much more delightful for developers. Optional Parameters in Lambda Expressions for Easy Development: The introduction of Optional Parameters in Lambda Expressions makes writing code simpler. No more overloading or null checks to handle optional arguments. So, you can now focus on your logic without worrying about writing cumbersome code. Ref Readonly Parameters for Better Data Protection: With Ref Readonly Parameters, you can mark variables or parameters as read-only, which provides additional protection to your data. It’s a subtle but powerful addition that ensures better code control and data protection. Alias Any Type for Flexibility in Programming: With the new Using Alias Directive, you can now create an alias for any type in your code, which gives you more programming flexibility. Using Aliases in your code reduces typing time and makes your code more readable. C# 12 simplifies syntax and adds more intuitive features that developers love. These new features provide code improvements that will make coding simpler and more delightful. It’s a must-try for any developer seeking higher levels of productivity and ease of use in their work.

.NET Community Toolkit and Other Features

If you thought that the information provided so far was the extent of it, then I have good news for you. There is more to be revealed, and I am excited to share it with you. So please stay tuned and keep an open mind, as the forthcoming details may be of great value to you. The .NET Community Toolkit provides developers with a set of libraries, helpers, and tools that simplify common programming tasks while ensuring that code stays trim and AOT compatible. Say goodbye to bloated software and non-reproducible bugs. With the improved NuGet package auditing, you can check for any known security vulnerabilities in the projects and solutions you’re working on. Safety first, right? The .NET SDK now enables terminal build output and production-ready defaults, so you can see what your code is doing better. F# 8 brings in significant language changes, usability improvements, and diagnostic enhancements in project compilation. The upgrade also includes performance improvements to the FSharp.Core standard library, so you can work even faster. Meanwhile, the new Debugging and UI Improvements in .NET 8 enable developers to easily debug their applications and provide simplified debug proxies for commonly used .NET types. All these improvements work towards creating a powerful, flexible, and user-friendly development environment that makes programming enjoyable and productive. So, join the burgeoning community of developers and give the latest versions of .NET 8 and C# 12 a spin today!


In a nutshell, Microsoft .NET 8 and C# 12 have brought significant and exciting upgrades to the world of software development. Developers can now enjoy streamlined identity management, improved security, and form bindings for web APIs, all of which contribute to their productivity and experience. Furthermore, C# 12 offers new features such as primary constructors and collection expressions, which not only simplify coding but also make it more enjoyable. I strongly recommend developers embrace these new features and upgrades, as they represent the future of software development. To get started, simply download .NET 8 and report any issues in the issue tracker.



Oluwasegun Haziz

AI Enthusiast, Software and Cloud Engineer. Passionate about highly scalable technology businesses, .NET, and FOH audio