The Power of Connecting the Dots: Lessons from Steve Jobs’ Commencement Speech

Himanshu Bahuguna
2 min readSep 14, 2023


In this article, we explore the inspiring commencement speech by Steve Jobs, where he shares three impactful stories from his life. Discover the importance of connecting the dots, embracing love and loss, and facing the reality of death. Gain valuable insights on following your heart, finding what you love, and making the most of your limited time.

Introduction: In a memorable commencement speech delivered at one of the world’s finest universities, Steve Jobs, the visionary co-founder of Apple, shared three powerful stories from his life. These stories offer valuable lessons on connecting the dots, embracing love and loss, and facing the reality of death. In this article, we delve into the wisdom imparted by Jobs and explore how these lessons can inspire and guide us in our own lives.

  1. Connecting the Dots: Jobs begins his speech by recounting his unconventional educational journey. Despite never graduating from college, he emphasizes the importance of trusting that the dots will connect in the future. He encourages the audience to have faith in their own journey, even when it deviates from the well-worn path. By following their hearts and intuition, they can make a significant difference in their lives.
  2. Love and Loss: Jobs shares his personal experience of being fired from the company he co-founded, Apple. He reflects on the devastating impact it had on him initially but highlights how it ultimately led to new beginnings. Jobs emphasizes the importance of finding what you love and doing great work. He encourages the audience to persevere, even in the face of failure, and to never settle for anything less than their true passion.
  3. Embracing the Reality of Death: In a thought-provoking segment, Jobs discusses the significance of acknowledging our mortality. He shares how contemplating death has been a driving force in his life, helping him make important decisions. By recognizing the fleeting nature of life, we can prioritize what truly matters and avoid being trapped by external expectations or fear. Jobs urges the audience to have the courage to follow their hearts and intuition, as they already know what they truly want to become.

Conclusion: Steve Jobs’ commencement speech offers profound insights into life, success, and the pursuit of happiness. By connecting the dots, embracing love and loss, and facing the reality of death, we can find the courage to follow our passions and make a meaningful impact. As we navigate our own journeys, let us remember Jobs’ words and strive to stay hungry, stay foolish, and make the most of our limited time.

