Demystifying Markov Decision Processes

Defining a foundational RL concept with help from OpenAI Gym

Hannah Peterson
GSI Technology
6 min readJul 24, 2020


By Hannah Peterson and George Williams (


If you’re just starting to dabble in Reinforcement Learning (RL), it’s very easy to get overwhelmed by the multitude of complex equations and technical jargon you come across in trying to piece together what all the ready-made code out there is doing. And this makes sense—after all, it’d be unreasonable to expect the technology that empowers computers to beat pro-gamers at complex games like Go to be simple. But having some understanding of the inner workings of these state-of-the-art algorithms is important if you want to be able to effectively implement them yourself, and that’s what I aim to develop in this series of blogs.

In this first blog, I’ll introduce Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) and define one in the context of a simple game from OpenAI Gym. In the next blog, I’ll walk-through the equations associated with MDPs to reach the central optimization problem that RL algorithms aim to solve. Then, in the last blog, we’ll actually implement a deep RL algorithm to learn to play a game.

What is a Markov Decision Process?

Reinforcement learning can be applied to environments in which actions are associated with rewards, as it consists of teaching a model, known as an agent, which actions to take in an environment to maximize the reward it receives over the course of some process through trial and error. An MDP is a mathematical framework for modeling such systems; in other words, RL is a means of solving problems that can be expressed as MDPs.

Specifically, an MDP is a method for planning in what is known as a stochastic environment, meaning one in which instructing an agent to take a particular action does not necessarily lead to that action being carried out (as opposed to a deterministic environment)—with a small probability, it is up to the environment to decide what happens to the agent. Assuming a degree of randomness in this way is useful for modeling real-world scenarios because the sensory information an agent collects about its environment may have noise associated with it, for example, and accounting for it allows us to build more robust systems.

RL is often applied to gaming because games present isolated environments with explicit sets of available actions and rewards based on those actions, whereas real-world scenarios are typically not so clearly parametrized. For this reason, we will continue to discuss reinforcement learning in the context of a game scenario, which is where OpenAI Gym comes in. If you’re unfamiliar with it, OpenAI Gym is a Python library containing various parametrized game environments that the user can easily interact with using code for the purpose of testing out RL algorithms. Let’s take a look at its simple MountainCar game, which we will be programming in a future post. In this game, the agent is represented by a car whose goal is to overcome gravity by moving left and right to reach a flag at the top of a hill:

If we want to be able to solve this problem using RL, we need to be able to represent the MountainCar environment as an MDP. An MDP is expressed as a 4-element tuple <S, A, P, R>, where S is the finite set of states the agent can experience in the environment (known as the state space), P is a matrix of probabilities of transitioning between two successive states, A is the set of actions the agent can take to transition between states (known as the action space), and R is the set of rewards the agent can expect to receive in those the states. Let’s break down each element of an MDP in the context of the MountainCar game to better ground them in reality:

A visualization of how the different components of an MDP fit together. The agent takes an action which transitions it to a different state with an associated reward in its given environment. Source
  • A state s within S is a snapshot of the environment that the agent is currently in which the agent has partial or complete awareness of. In the case of MountainCar, the car has knowledge of the horizontal components of its position x ∈ [-1.2, 0.6] and velocity v ∈ [-0.07, 0.07] in any given state and this information gets collected 30 times per second. The game ends when the car passes the flag positioned at x=0.5 or when 200 states have occurred. The car’s starting state is initialized to a random position between -0.6 and -0.4 and a velocity of 0.
  • An action a within A transitions the agent from its current state s to another state s’. A sequence of states and actions is called a trajectory or an episode. The set of actions available for the agent to take may or may not vary dependent on the state the agent is in, but for MountainCar, the agent always has the option of firing its engine to accelerate to the left, to the right, or not at all (whether the car actually accelerates in the desired direction also depends on its interaction with the acceleration of gravity, though).
  • An entry P_a(s, s’) in P is the probability that instructing the agent to take action a from s will lead to s’ (recall that MDPs model stochastic environments, in which actions have some randomness associated with them). Translated to our car environment, this is akin to saying that if the car is in state s with position x=0.1 and is instructed to accelerate to the left to s’, there is, say, a 0.98 probability it will actually accelerate to the left — there is a small probability it could behave differently due to some random interaction with the environment.
  • Lastly, R_a(s, s’) is the reward an agent can expect to receive by taking action a from s to s’. In an MDP, each state is associated with a reward, which in turn means that each action is also associated with a reward since an action is a transition between states. In the MountainCar game, a state’s reward is based on the car’s orientation to the flag positioned at x = 0.5: States in which the car is at x < 0.5 have a reward of -1, while those with x ≥ 0.5 have a reward of 0; thus, the agent’s goal is to get to the flag as quickly as possible to minimize the negative rewards it accumulates.

We’ve now framed the MountainCar game as a Markov Decision Process. Even within this very simple environment, we can get a sense of the sheer number of possible trajectories available for the agent to take; thus, it needs some means of comparing how rewarding different actions will be—not just immediately upon taking them, but over the course of an entire episode—so that it can choose the paths that will yield the highest rewards. Defining the MountainCar environment as an MDP allows us to use the equations associated with these processes to arrive at a concrete optimization problem for maximizing total reward. We’ll walk through these equations in the next blog.




Hannah Peterson
GSI Technology

Data Science student at UC San Diego, intern at GSI Technology