Hannah ChafetzinData Stewards NetworkLAUNCH: First Ever Catalog of Examples on How Open Data and Generative AI IntersectWe are thrilled to announce the launch of our new Observatory of Examples of How Open Data and Generative Artificial Intelligence…Jul 29Jul 29
Hannah ChafetzinData Stewards NetworkPeaceTech Prize Conversation: Trailblazing Technologies for PeaceIn an era marked by escalating global tensions and unprecedented challenges, the need for innovative approaches to peace has never been…Jun 20Jun 20
Hannah ChafetzinData Stewards Network2024 Kluz Prize for PeaceTech Seeks to Identify, Celebrate and Propel the use of Technology for…By: The Kluz Prize for PeaceTech teamJun 4Jun 4
Hannah ChafetzinData Stewards Network“Data Commons”: Under Threat by or The Solution for a Generative AI Era ?One of the great paradoxes of our datafied era is that we live amid both unprecedented abundance and scarcity.May 10May 10
Hannah ChafetzinData Stewards NetworkNEW REPORT: A Fourth Wave of Open Data?Since late 2022, generative AI services and large language models (LLMs) have transformed how many individuals access, and process…May 8May 8
Hannah ChafetzinData Stewards NetworkDATA4Philanthropy: Accelerating Data-Driven Innovation Across the Grant Making CycleKey takeaways from the DATA4Philanthropy launch event hosted by Philanthropy AustraliaFeb 13Feb 13
Hannah ChafetzinData Stewards NetworkCall for Examples: Open Data, Large Language Models, and Generative AIBy: Hannah Chafetz, Sampriti Saxena, and Stefaan G. VerhulstFeb 9Feb 9
Hannah ChafetzinData Stewards NetworkJoin the DATA4Philanthropy Network: A new community of practice to build capacity for data-driven…Today’s societal problems have become increasingly complex–from a global pandemic to geopolitical conflict. Solving these complex...Jan 15Jan 15
Hannah ChafetzinData Stewards NetworkAccelerating Responsible Data Re-Use About and For Young People: Key Takeaways from the Festival…Young people have a right to be involved in decisions made about their data, but too often they are not included. They are deprived of…Nov 15, 2023Nov 15, 2023
Hannah ChafetzinData Stewards NetworkTowards a Fourth Wave of Open Data? Selected Readings on Open Data and Generative AIBy: María Esther Cervantes, Hannah Chafetz, Sampriti Saxena, & Stefaan G. VerhulstSep 14, 2023Sep 14, 2023