What is Gamification anyway?

HCI Games Group
Gameful Design
Published in
3 min readJul 25, 2016


Written by HCI Games Group.

You may have heard of word Gamification. It’s as much a buzzword as it is a new academic field. Many people are interested in what it is and how to use it effectively, but don’t know why it works. It’s clear why, since games excite us by driving our curiosity to discover something new. They make us feel accomplished when we overcome a difficult challenge or reach personal objectives. Games help us learn and encourage us to experiment, develop strategies, and learn new skills. Gamification takes core elements of what we love about games and applies them outside of traditional gameplay environments. Everyone is talking about the benefits of gamification and how it will increase engagement in the classroom, or help us stay fit and healthy, or improve our productivity in the workplace.

To help you understand the basics of gamification, we created the video below, which should help you become familiar with the topic. Dr. Nacke and the HCI Games Group have studied Gamification for several years, and created this short video to give you a foundational understanding of the term and the application of gamification. It is our hope that this introduction will be useful for anyone just getting started with gamification.

You should now have a good understanding of what gamification is, what it isn’t, and how it’s being used to improve our everyday activities. Now that you are in-the-know, you might want to know a bit more about gamification. Lucky for you there is lots of information available online and there is even more to learn about gamification.

Here are some articles that we recommend ♥

Check out our research on gamification

  1. The HEXAD Gamification User Types Questionnaire : Background and Development Process. L. Diamond, G. F. Tondello, A. Marczewski, L. E. Nacke, and M. Tscheligi In Workshop on Personalization in Serious and Persuasive Games and Gamified Interactions. London, UK. 2015.
  2. The Kaleidoscope of Effective Gamification: Deconstructing Gamification in Business Applications. D. L. Kappen and L. E. Nacke In Proceedings of Gamification 2013. Stratford, ON, Canada. ACM, 119–122, 2013.
  3. Adaptive Engagement of Older Adults’ Fitness through Gamification. D. L. Kappen In Proceedings of CHI PLAY 2015. London, United Kingdom. ACM, 2015.
  4. From Game Design Elements to Gamefulness: Defining “Gamification”
    S. Deterding, D. Dixon, R. Khaled, and L. E. Nacke
  5. Designing Gamification: Creating Gameful and Playful Experiences
    S. Deterding, S. L. Björk, L. E. Nacke, D. Dixon, and E. Lawley
  6. More publications from the HCI Games Group



HCI Games Group
Gameful Design

We research #GamesUR, #Gamification, Social Games, #MOBAs, #Physiocom, and #EEG. Follow us @hcigamesgroup