Role and Importance of Antonyms in Language

Prateek Agarwal
3 min readFeb 9, 2016


An Antonym is such a word which defines other opposite meaning of another word. Like, the antonym of “good” is “bad”. If we expand the word “antonym”, the complete meaning lies in it. “Anti” means opposite or against and “onym” leads to “name”. But before getting into antonym, you must have to know what is “synonym”. It means exact the same meaning or accurate meaning of a word. In order to master the language you must be aware with the importance of antonyms in English language. Let’s find out here.

Importance of Antonyms

The reasonable significance of antonyms depends on their comprehension being used of ordinary life communicational circumstances. Despite the fact that the semantic clarification is vital and central, it causes for different controls to see better circumstances and circumstances when antonyms are utilized. Their abuse can bring about a ton of false impressions and social conflicts.

Antonym assumes an imperative part in a few fields of concentrate, for example, etymology, psychology, writing or psycholinguistics and dialect securing in kids. It is utilized to express twofold restriction in all modalities and correspondence registers as talked dialect in the written work, as to the certainties and fiction, as the in the standard and informal utilization of dialect.

To start with, the part of etymology specifically antonyms demonstrated unmistakably their capacity to better clarify the significance of the words unmistakably practically equivalent to or bilingual dictionaries. Along these lines, the commitment in the field of etymology is of specific significance. In the field of phonetics, antonyms serve as a wellspring of advancement of the Albanian dialect through word formation, to be specific through the foundation of antonymic couples with the same root as the word-sentence structure by method for prefixes and once in a while, in instances of expressive antonyms, through additions.

Besides, the association with mental antonyms can be connected with studies partner the word (word association) through which identifies when the human personality can work in connection to countering.

Thirdly, in the field of writing, alternate extremes are dissected as recognizing elements of emotional composition. Indeed, even artistic figures frequently are impacted by more extensive part of antonym.

It is critical to underline at last the way that antonyms are a fundamental part of the day by day correspondence in various circumstances. As the cases above appeared, antonyms are utilized to separate implications of sentences and their structures and are a wellspring of new method for correspondence. Despite the fact that they are semantically clarified, each second dialect learner of English dialect must know when utilizing them furthermore exceptionally mindful when attempting to get their importance. Because of the utilization in reporting and a wide range of media, which a decent wellspring of taking in a brief moment dialect, in English dialect they are all that much used for various adjustments of expressions. The way they are utilized are diverse in numerous dialects and the significance, without seeing the best possible esteem here and there, is expanded when utilizing the language every day. Stay connected to in order gets more related information.

