Dealing with Sickle Cell Anemia During Pregnancy

3 min readAug 2, 2018

Sickle cell anemia is a condition wherein the shape of the red blood cells are deformed affecting the functions of red blood cells. Red blood cells perform the crucial functions of carrying the protein called hemoglobin that brings the oxygen to all parts of the body. The normal shape of the red blood cells is smooth, round and flexible that helps them to move through the blood vessels in our body easily. Unlike the normal red blood cells, the sickle cells are stiff and sticky just like the shape of the sickle. Due to their sticky features, they tend to stick together to form clusters and thus are unable to move through the blood vessels. Due to this blockage, the normal movement of the healthy and oxygen-carrying blood cells is interrupted. As a result of sickle cell disease, the amount of hemoglobin in the person’s body decreases making him anemic. Sickle cell anemia is mainly caused by the genetic mutation. This means that this condition is inherited in people from their parents.

How does pregnancy affect sickle cell disease?

In some woman there no significant changes in their disease during pregnancy while for others, the diseases may become worse. However, in some of the cases, the painful events may occur on a recurring basis that may be treated with the medications. With pregnancy, stress is added to the body with which the chances of sickle cells crises are also increased.

Risks of sickle cell anemia in the pregnant woman

The risk of complications is higher in pregnant women when compared to others. Women with sickle cell anemia are at a greater risk of complications such as miscarriage, a type of high blood pressure called pregnancy-induced hypertension, and premature birth. But now with the immense advancements in technology, the chances of having a safe and successful pregnancy for a woman with sickle cell anemia are improved.

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Sickle Cell in Pregnancy

Risks of sickle cell anemia to the unborn baby

Sickle cell anemia is genetic disorder thus the baby of the women with this condition is at the higher risk of developing this condition. However, one important thing to be noted here is that for getting the sickle cell anemia the genes of both mother and father should be infected. Thus, if a woman is suffering from sickle cell and she thinks of becoming pregnant the, her partner should also be tested to see if they carry the sickle cell gene. In case both the partners are suffering from this condition then they should consult their genetic counselor.

If any of the partners is suffering from this condition the newborn baby should be screened for sickle cell anemia at birth.

Dealing with sickle cell anemia during pregnancy

Sickle cell disease during pregnancy brings the higher risk for pregnant women this because they are required to remain vigilant and extra careful. Topmost medical care and more frequent medical visits than the average pregnant woman must be adopted by the women. For the pregnant women, the obstetrician who is experienced with sickle cell disease works together with the professional multidisciplinary team to handle the medical condition of the woman. The women may require certain blood transfusions and vitamins and iron supplements to manage their condition.

Also Read: Sickle cell anemia treatment in India




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