Why You Should Build Granny Flats Northern Beaches

Granny Flats Northern Beaches
3 min readJun 16, 2017


Granny flat is a compact residence built on one’s own property. It is separate or annexed dwelling with its own entrance, lounge, kitchen, bedrooms, balcony etc. These flats are built for the purpose of the dwelling of the gay people of the family. There are many reasons which make the granny flats famous.

Keep In Touch With Your Family.

Granny flats provide an additional accommodation. No matter who lives in the flat, it gives the wider space for residents. It broadens the concept of the dwelling with freedom and keeping in touch with ones loved family members. Togetherness isn’t the main pros of granny flats provide. They offer a huge sense of freedom too. In the flats, children and the aged ones live and enjoy a free accommodation without any interruption. The young family members can easily look after the children and the aged ones as the granny flats are annexed accommodation to the main house.

Bewilder Your Friends

Granny flats provide a wider space for extended family members and friends who come to stay. You can dazzle your relatives and friends who come from far away to stay at your house by providing them with an open space accommodation with a separate entrance, bedrooms, kitchen, and bathrooms. Therefore, these flats are a modern cheap dwelling useful in all regards for a family.

Its Uses

Granny flats have infinite uses. Some of them include; home offices: you can build commercial offices at the house to avoid extra expenditures; lodging for young married couples: a young married couple can live in such flats on cheap rented rates in order to save some money for their future plans. They can also enjoy a separate and independent newly married life. They can cook themselves and thus avoid costlier food from the market and save money; rental income: a granny flat can be given on rent and a suitable amount of money be earned from your property because it is almost a tax-free property; hobby space: a granny flat can be used for different occupations as well. If you have a passion for sewing, art, craft, woodwork and the same a granny house is an ideal place to do all this as your hobby. So there are abundant uses of such accommodation.

Its Financial Viability

A granny flat is a much better substitute for a nursing house. The retirement homes are expensive propositions whereas the granny flats are cheaper ones. If the elder ones can be kept at home then there is no need to keep them away from the family and allow them to dwell among the strangers on costly rates. Therefore, it has a great financial practicality. Hence, the construction of such houses has now become trending.

From the above reasons, it is quite obvious to understand that why granny flats have become so much popular. To enjoy its full advantages you should make a plan to have such an accommodation to be built on your primary house because it is affordable, purposeful and viable.

Contact Us:-

Unit 1, Building 5,
49 Frenchs Forest Road East,
Frenchs Forest NSW 2086
Phone: 1300 110 046
Fax: (02) 9564 0044
Email: info@resconbuilders.com.au

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