The Best 15 Eco-Friendly Methods of Pest Control

Healing Health Blog
8 min readFeb 3, 2024


featured image Eco-Friendly Methods Of Pest Control showing various natural pest control remedies

Chemical Pesticides can cause long-term effects like cancer, neurological issues, and hormonal imbalances.

On the other hand, Eco-Friendly methods of pest control are cheap and safe for you and your pets.

But do they work? Absolutely!

Simple items like Baking soda, vinegar, and natural spices like cinnamon powder can effectively keep pests away.

Jump To The List:

  1. Neem Oil
  2. Diatomaceous Earth
  3. Pheromone Traps
  4. Natural Repellent Pouches
  5. Physical Barrier & Traps
  6. Insecticidal Soap
  7. Natural Spices
  8. Essential Oils
  9. Vinegar
  10. Biological Pest Control
  11. Pest-Repellent Plants
  12. Boric Acid
  13. Planting Herbs
  14. Cedar Granules
  15. Baking Soda

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Importance and Benefits Of Eco-Friendly Pest Control

  • Environmental Safety: Eco-friendly pest control helps maintain ecological balance by preserving biodiversity
  • Human and Animal Health: Safe for humans and animals
  • Sustainability: Involves long-term, nature-friendly solutions for lasting pest management
  • Effectiveness: Contrary to common belief, Eco-friendly pest control methods are as effective as traditional methods

To have the best chance at green thumb success, it’s important to pay close attention to your plants.

Regularly examine the leaves and their undersides for signs of yellowing or evidence of leaves being eaten.

Pests can quickly destroy your garden, sometimes overnight. But don’t give up! Eco-friendly pest control can keep your garden lush, and healthy.

You’ll be proud of your garden and happy to provide your family with good, natural food.

Here is my list of the best Eco-friendly methods of pest control, carefully selected to ensure your organic home garden success.

1. Neem Oil: Eco-Safe and Natural Pest Solution

neem leaves, oil and seeds

Neem oil is an Eco-safe and natural solution for pest control. Extracted from neem tree seeds, it’s effective against various pests. Safe for humans and pets, it works as both a preventive measure and a treatment for infestations. Mix with water and a mild detergent for a spray that keeps pests under control, applying it regularly for prevention or more frequently for active infestations.

For a high-quality option, consider Neem Bliss — Pure Neem Oil.

2. Diatomaceous Earth: A Natural Pest Controlling Method

Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is composed of fossilized remains of tiny aquatic organisms called diatoms, DE works by absorbing the oils and fats from the insect’s exoskeleton, causing them to dehydrate and die.

Sprinkle a thin layer on dry soil and plants where pests are a problem, focusing on areas like the underside of leaves. Always use food-grade DE and apply it in dry weather, as it loses effectiveness when wet. Remember to reapply it after rain or watering your garden.

For a reliable option, consider HARRIS Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade, 10lb with Powder Duster, highly rated for its effectiveness.

It’s especially effective against:

  • Ants
  • Beetles
  • Fleas
  • Cockroaches
  • Bedbugs

3. Using Pheromones as Sustainable Methods Of Pest Control

Pheromones work by mimicking the natural chemicals insects use to communicate, specifically attracting certain pest species. Pheromone traps often target male insects, disrupting mating cycles and reducing overall pest populations. These traps are particularly useful against pantry pests like Indian meal moths, flour moths, and grain moths.

For effective control of pantry moths like the Indian meal moth, consider using Dr. Killigan’s Premium Pantry Moth Traps.

4. Natural Repellent Pouches For Pest Control

These pouches use concentrated essential oils like garlic oil and peppermint oil, creating a powerful barrier against various pests such as rodents, mice, and squirrels. They are suitable for a wide range of indoor areas and are safe for both pets and humans.

For a safe and natural way to repel pests, consider trying TSCTBA Pest Control Pouches for effective and long-lasting protection.

5. Physical Barriers & Traps: Eco-Friendly Methods Of Pest Control

Physical barriers and traps, like netting and sticky boards, are a direct and Eco-friendly approach to pest control. These methods work by either blocking pests from entering an area or capturing them on contact. Placing them strategically in pest-prone areas or along their pathways can effectively control their movement and reduce infestations without using harmful chemicals. Use around doors, windows, and plants to prevent insects like flies and spiders from entering.

6. Insecticidal Soap: Eco-Friendly Methods Of Pest Control

Insecticidal soap is an effective Eco-friendly method for pest control, especially against soft-bodied insects like aphids, mealybugs, mites, and whiteflies. It works on contact, targeting pests without harming your plants. Ideal for use in organic gardening, insecticidal soap is safe for indoor, outdoor, and greenhouse applications.

For a convenient and ready-to-use option, consider Garden Safe 32 oz. Insecticidal Soap. It is effective for a wide range of pests and suitable for various plants, including vegetables, fruit trees, and ornamentals.

7. Natural Spices as Repellents: Effective Eco-Friendly Methods Of Pest Control

Common household spices can be surprisingly effective as natural pest repellents. Spices like cinnamon, cloves, and garlic are known for their ability to deter various pests due to their strong scents and natural properties.

  • Sprinkle ground cinnamon around areas where ants are a problem. It’s great for creating a natural barrier they tend to avoid
  • Place whole cloves in areas prone to insect activity, like windowsills or pantry shelves, to repel flies and other pests
  • Crush garlic cloves and mix with water to create a spray for deterring garden pests like aphids

8. Essential Oils for Pest Control: Eco-Friendly Methods Of Pest Control

Essential oils such as peppermint, eucalyptus, rosemary and lavender are a natural and effective way to control pests. Peppermint oil is an excellent Eco-friendly ant repellent, deterring ants with its strong scent. To use, dilute a few drops of essential oil in water and spray in areas where pests are a problem. These oils not only keep pests away but also add a pleasant fragrance to your home or garden.

9. Eco-Friendly Methods of Pest Control: Vinegar

Explore the versatile uses of vinegar in Eco-friendly pest control. Vinegar, especially apple cider and white vinegar, can effectively deter ants, fruit flies, and even treat plant fungus. For use, mix equal parts of vinegar and water in a spray bottle for a simple pest repellent solution. Apply directly to affected areas or use as a preventive measure in gardens and indoor spaces.

10. Biological Pest Control: Eco-Friendly Methods Of Pest Control

Biological pest control involves using beneficial insects to naturally control pest populations. For example, ladybugs are effective in reducing aphid numbers in gardens. This method is Eco-friendly and helps maintain the natural balance in your garden without harmful chemicals.

For natural pest control, consider 1500 Live Ladybugs from Nature’s Good Guys, a safe and effective way to tackle aphids and other pests

11. Pest-Repellent Plant Varieties

Pest-repellent plants are planted as companion plants. An example is the marigold, which is known to repel nematodes and other garden pests. Other examples are borage, chrysanthemums, and geraniums.

12. Boric Acid as an Eco-Friendly Method Of Pest Control

Boric acid is a low-toxicity substance widely used in Eco-friendly pest control. It’s particularly effective against roaches and ants. To use, sprinkle a thin layer of boric acid in areas where pests are frequent, like under sinks or along baseboards. While safer than many chemical pesticides, it should be used cautiously, especially around pets and children.

13. Eco-Friendly Methods Of Pest Control: Planting Herbs as Natural Pest Repellents

Many herbs naturally repel pests, making them excellent for Eco-friendly pest control. For instance, basil deters flies and mosquitoes, while mint repels ants and aphids. Additionally, herbs like rosemary and thyme can serve as Eco-friendly slug repellents, keeping these pests away from your plants.

Planting these herbs around your home or garden can help keep pests at bay naturally. Lavender, with its pleasant aroma, is effective against moths, fleas, and flies. Not only do these herbs offer pest repellent qualities, but they also add fragrance and greenery to your space.

14. Cedar Granules: Repelling Fleas, Ticks, Ants, and Mosquitoes

Cedar granules, derived from cedar wood or cedar oil, offer an Eco-friendly pest control method that repels various pests, including fleas, ticks, ants, and mosquitoes. To use cedar granules effectively, simply sprinkle them strategically in areas you want to protect, such as around your home’s perimeter, outdoor seating areas, pet bedding, or gardens.

These granules are safe for pets and humans, making them a natural and chemical-free option for pest management, and an added bonus is the delightful cedar aroma they bring to your surroundings.

Consider Cedarcide Lawn, Home & Garden Cedar Granules. Repels Fleas, Ticks, Ants & Mosquitoes.

15. Good Old Baking Soda: Eco-Friendly Methods Of Pest Control

Baking soda’s primary function lies in altering the pH on plant surfaces, making them less inviting for pests and fungal diseases. When mixed with water and a mild soap, it forms an effective spray against aphids, whiteflies, and spider mites, along with preventing fungal growth like powdery mildew.

Additionally, a light sprinkle of baking soda directly on the soil can deter ground pests like ants and slugs. However, caution is advised as excessive use can harm the plants. Baking soda’s effectiveness, affordability, and safety make it a popular choice among gardeners seeking natural pest control solutions.

Eco-Friendly Methods Of Pest Control: A Step Towards a Greener Future

Adopting Eco-friendly pest control methods is an efficient step towards sustaining our environment and health.

In this article, we have explored a variety of natural and effective pest control methods, ranging from the use of beneficial insects and herbs to safer alternatives like neem oil and diatomaceous earth.

By choosing these methods, we not only protect our homes and gardens from pests but also contribute to a healthier and more balanced ecosystem. We encourage you to implement these Eco-friendly pest control techniques in your daily practices and join the movement towards a greener, more sustainable future.



Healing Health Blog

Nature enthusiast exploring self-reliance through plants & outdoor adventures