How To Heal My Inner Self?

Healing Sydney
3 min readAug 11, 2021
Inner Child Healing

Your past early years’ experience, a collection of the developmental stages or youthful activities can be used to describe your inner child. Every person has an inner child and should make an awareness of it. Your inner child or healing inner self may be undergoing some kind of illness where you are required to give it the attention it deserves.

Ways to heal your inner self.

Tap into your healing power.

There exists a powerful connection between your mind and your body. Recognizing this connection help to heal your inner self but the healing can be slowed by physical reaction such as stress and negative emotions. On the other side, positive thinking and feelings accelerates the healing.

Listen to your body.

The inner child can be defined to be the inner body. Since you can be in a state to know your inner feelings better that anyone, you can be able to tell what is affecting you and try to figure possible remedies. Every time you are in a mend, try to write down every activity you did for a certain period of time then try to track the feelings after the encounter. This tracking helps you to realize those routines that doesn’t match you inner feelings and thus shall help you heal quickly.

Breathing instead of worrying.

In your journey in life, bad moods and stress and part of it especially when you are experiencing a health problem. To heal with ease, you don’t need to concentrate much on trying to have control on your emotions but you can accept them and look for ways to calm them down. You can achieve this by spending some time to read certain books or even having some few breaths in a systematic manner. This activities might try to bring you emotions to a manageable state.

Create a list of what you can control.

At times you might get ill to an extent that your feel helpless and vulnerable, but this should not pave way for additional stress. Instead, you should have time to list down all what you can heal from your inner child healing and how to do so. Then make sure that you perform all these activities that heals you regularly one after the other.

Feed your brain positive messages.

For your inner self to heal, you need to get rid of any negativity inside you. The only way to do so is by practicing activities that natures your inner child positively. Activities such reading a book, watching TV programs that have happy ending, helps you to feed positive messages to your brain thus relieving stress.

Exercise every day.

The immune system of your body is strengthened by regular exercise. This is the part of your body that fights to heal any kind of illness that you undergo. Exercise also make your body healthy and strong. Though it might be difficult to incorporate exercise especially when you are tired as a healing technique, little practice of it is advisable.

Make sleep a priority.

Sleeping puts your body in a state of resting which helps build natural defense against any illness. You should therefore try to sleep at specific times of the night and this should continue as a habit. If you are under any medication due to illness and your face sleep issues, then try to consult your doctor for possible remedies.



Healing Sydney

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