10 Inspirational Health and Chiropractic Quotes to Start Your Day Right

Marshall Thurlow
2 min readJun 20, 2017


Hippocrates: “Look well to the spine for the cause of disease”

Dr. Ian Deitch “Be real, be yourself, be unique, be true, be honest, be humble, be happy”

Unknown: “Good morning beauty!”

Unknown: “Increase your power the easy way through chiropractic”

BJ Palmer (developer of chiropractic): “The preservation of health is easier than the cure of disease”

BJ Palmer (developer of chiropractic): “The preservation of health is easier than the cure of disease” version 2.

Hippocratic School of Medicine: “The greatest medicine is to teach people how not to need it”

Virgil: “The greatest wealth is health”

Dr. Ian Deitch (Chiropractor): “At first they’ll ask you WHY you’re doing it. Later, they’ll ask you HOW you did it”

DD Palmer (founder of chiropractic): “There is a vast different between treating the effects and adjusting the cause”

For more information about chiropractic care and how you may benefit, please visit www.chirolife.com.au.

Contributing author: Dr. Ian Deitch (Chiropractor)



Marshall Thurlow

I'm Marshall Thurlow and I'm the Director and Founder of Orion Marketing Pty Ltd. I work as a digital marketer with expertise in SEO and website design.