Janet Montgomery Weight Loss Secret Releved!

Health Bloom
3 min readApr 1, 2024


If you’re a fan of the hit TV show “New Amsterdam,” you might have noticed something different about Janet Montgomery recently. No, it’s not a new hairstyle or a daring fashion choice. It’s her weight loss journey that has caught the attention of fans and tabloids alike.

Who is Janet Montgomery, Anyway?

Before we dive into the juicy details, let’s do a quick introduction for those who might be scratching their heads wondering, “Janet who?” Janet Montgomery is a talented British actress known for her roles in various TV shows and films, including “Salem,” “This Is Us,” and of course, “New Amsterdam,” where she plays the role of Dr. Lauren Bloom.

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The Mysterious Weight Loss

Now, let’s talk about the elephant in the room (no pun intended). Recently, pictures of Janet Montgomery surfaced on the internet, showcasing her apparent weight loss. Speculations ran wild. Was it a new diet? A secret Hollywood workout? Did she accidentally stumble upon a genie who granted her three wishes, one of which happened to be shedding a few pounds?

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The Truth Unveiled

As it turns out, the truth behind Janet’s weight loss is much simpler (and less magical) than we might have hoped. In a recent interview, she revealed that it was all about good old-fashioned hard work and dedication. She admitted to hitting the gym more regularly, ditching junk food, and opting for healthier meal & dinner recipe choices.

“It’s amazing what happens when you stop eating an entire pizza by yourself at 2 a.m.,” she joked.

The Pressure of Hollywood

While Janet maintains that her weight loss was primarily for health reasons, we can’t ignore the elephant in the room (again, no pun intended). Hollywood’s obsession with appearances can put immense pressure on actors and actresses to look a certain way. It’s a sad reality of the industry, but hey, at least Janet managed to find humor in the situation.

I guess now I’ll have to find a new excuse for avoiding exercise,” she quipped.

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The Takeaway

So, what can we learn from Janet Montgomery’s weight loss journey? Well, for starters, it’s essential to prioritize your health above all else. Whether you’re a Hollywood star or a regular Joe (or Janet) like the rest of us, taking care of your body should always be a top priority. And who knows, maybe a little laughter along the way wouldn’t hurt either.

In conclusion, Janet Montgomery’s weight loss might have caused a stir in the media, but at the end of the day, it’s just another reminder that celebrities are human too. And if she can find the humor in it all, then maybe we can too.

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