How to Integrate with PagerDuty
2 min readSep 2, 2015


PagerDuty is a well-known incident management system. It provides alerting, on-call scheduling, escalation policies and incident tracking. If you use or plan on using PagerDuty, you can can integrate it with your account in few simple steps!

Step 1: Add a new service to your PagerDuty account

Log into your PagerDuty account, go to Configuration > Services, and click on “Add New Service”:

Adding service to PagerDuty account

Give it a descriptive name, and select “Use our API directly”. Click on “Add Service” and take note of its API key:

List of services on PagerDuty

Step 2: Add a notification channel to your Healthchecks account

Log into your Healthchecks account, and go to Channels. In “Add Notification Channel” section, select “PagerDuty” and paste the API key from previous step:

Adding a Notification Channel in

… and done! From now on, when a check goes down, Healthchecks will open a new incident in your PagerDuty account. When the check goes back up again, Healthchecks will resolve the incident. Simple and easy!



Monitoring service for your cron jobs and background tasks.