Unleashing Your Ideal Self: Jordan Peterson’s 3 Proven Steps

4 min readDec 20, 2023


🚀 Are you feeling trapped in a job or relationship that’s draining your soul? Have you envisioned a better life but fear has you stuck in the status quo? Fear not, Jordan Peterson, a renowned clinical psychologist, has three proven steps to help you unlock your ideal self. In this blog post, we’ll delve into his transformative advice and provide practical insights to guide you on your journey to a more fulfilling life.

Topics Covered:

1. Introduction:

- Feeling trapped in life

- Jordan Peterson’s advice

2. Identify the Problem:

- Breaking down specific issues

- Lack of meaning at work, strained relationships, feeling undervalued

3. Make a Plan:

- Updating resume or CV

- Addressing gaps and inadequacies

- Confronting fears and insecurities

4. Take Action:

- Applying for 10 jobs

- Exploring opportunities and gaining interview experience

5. Conclusion:

- Peterson’s three-step approach as a life philosophy

- Empowerment through strategic thinking, goal-setting, and self-belief

6. FAQs

## 1. Identify the Problem:

😓 Many people find themselves in a situation where they feel unfulfilled, be it in a dead-end job or a lackluster relationship. Peterson advises breaking down the problem into specific issues. Is it a lack of meaning at work, strained relationships with colleagues, or a feeling of being undervalued? By identifying the root cause, you gain clarity on what needs to change.

Personal Story:

👩‍💼 Let me share a personal story. I once felt stuck in a job that drained me emotionally. After applying Peterson’s advice, I realized it was the lack of recognition for my contributions that bothered me the most. Understanding this allowed me to articulate my values clearly.

## 2. Make a Plan:

🗺️ Now that you’ve identified the issues, it’s time to make a plan. Peterson suggests starting with your resume or CV. If it’s been neglected, update it. Address any gaps or inadequacies truthfully. Embarking on this journey might seem daunting, especially if you’ve been avoiding it, but it’s a crucial step.

Personal Story:

📝 Updating my resume after years was nerve-wracking, but it forced me to confront my insecurities. Peterson’s guidance on facing these fears head-on empowered me to turn my weaknesses into opportunities for growth.

## 3. Take Action:

🚀 With a polished resume, apply for at least 10 jobs, even if you don’t intend to take them. The goal is to explore opportunities and gain experience in interviews. This step can open doors you never knew existed and boost your confidence in your skills and capabilities.

Personal Story:

🌟 Through this process, I stumbled upon opportunities I hadn’t considered. The interviews were a learning experience, and I discovered new aspects of myself. It was empowering to see that I had options beyond my current situation.

## Conclusion:

🌈 Jordan Peterson’s three-step approach is not just a career strategy; it’s a life philosophy. By identifying issues, making a plan, and taking action, you pave the way for positive change. Remember, you have the power to negotiate for a better life. 🌟 Don’t be afraid to think strategically, set goals, and, most importantly, believe in your worth. Your ideal self is waiting to be unleashed, and these proven steps can be your guide on this transformative journey. Subscribe to the Health Enthusiast to get our latest newsletters and join the community that’s unlocking their potential! 🚀

## FAQs:

1. Q: Why do I feel trapped in my current situation?

- A: It could be due to various factors like lack of meaning at work, strained relationships, or feeling undervalued. Identifying specific issues is the first step to breaking free. 🕵️‍♂️

2. Q: How do I overcome fears and insecurities about my career?

- A: Confront them head-on. Update your resume, address gaps truthfully, and see your weaknesses as opportunities for growth. Facing fears empowers you to move forward. 💪

3. Q: Why should I apply for jobs I don’t intend to take?

- A: It’s about exploration and gaining interview experience. You might discover opportunities you hadn’t considered, boosting your confidence in your skills. 🌐

4. Q: Can Jordan Peterson’s approach be applied beyond career issues?

- A: Absolutely. His three-step philosophy is a life strategy. It empowers you to identify, plan, and take action, not just in your career but in various aspects of life. 🌈

5. Q: How can I negotiate for a better life?

- A: Believe in your worth. Think strategically, set goals, and be prepared to take action. Peterson’s approach emphasizes the power of negotiation in unlocking your ideal self. 🚀

