Aquahydrate: How Much Water Do You Need For Glowing Skin?

3 min readMay 4, 2017


I want, you want, we all want radiant skin. We know, from years of health magazine subscriptions, that ‘drinking water’ is the answer. That leaves us with the biggest question of all — exactly how much water is enough water?

We know that one of the secrets to healthy, glowing skin is water. What we don’t know, however, is the quantity of water we should be drinking daily to get that envy-inducing glow.

Dehydrated skin makes skin appear duller, and the wrinkles and pores more obvious. An imbalance of water and oil on the surface of the skin can also cause breakouts. However, keep in mind that drinking enough water doesn’t magically make your wrinkles disappear — what it does is minimise the appearance. Hydrated skin looks plump and elastic, and is also less likely to crack and let in particles that can cause blemishes and infections.

The 8x8 rule (8 glasses of water daily, of 8 ounces each) is the most followed. Talk to your gym instructor, and I’m sure he will tell you that’s rubbish — 5 litres or whereabouts would be his recommendation. And that is the key to how much water you need.

Confused? Don’t be. The amount of water you should drink depends on the amount of thirst you have. Different people have different needs, and that includes water.

  • If you have a mostly sedentary lifestyle (go out and exercise, you lazy bum!), your requirement will be lesser than someone who has an active lifestyle. Hence, the trainer’s recommendation.
  • People who have a lot of tea, coffee, hot chocolate, and aerated drinks need more water than those whose intake is controlled, to counter the effect of caffeine.
  • Smoke much? Yeah, drink a lot of water. A lot. Nicotine in cigarettes attacks the blood vessels which feed the skin oxygen and nutrients. It also makes your mouth dry; and affects nail beds and hair follicles, both of which are actually skin.
  • People who like their drinks also need more water. That is because alcohol is a diuretic and dehydrates the body. It can also lead to split veins.
  • If you live in an arid or hot climate, you will need more water. If you are on vacation on a higher altitude than you are used to, your water intake should be increased.
  • People who spend time outside, including for exercise, need more water as well.
  • Flying will also dehydrate you, so make sure to keep sipping on plain water.

Keep in mind that when you drink water, the body uses it for the more important organs first, such as the heart, brain, liver, and kidneys. The skin is way down on this list of essential organs. It’s likely that you aren’t drinking enough water for your skin to get the benefits, so go ahead and fill that bottle up. Don’t guzzle it down all at once though, because apart from giving you cramps, all it will do is make you go to the washroom more. That’s because your body can only absorb so much water in one go. A better idea is to keep sipping it through the day. Cheers!

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