Kiss Off: The Fight Against Dry Lips

3 min readMay 4, 2017


Don’t hold back that pout only because you have a minor case of chapped lips. Give these wonderful tips a try, and then pout away, little birdie.

How embarrassing is it when you’re leaning in for a kiss, and realise your lips are dry and torn? Or when you’re applying your favourite matte lipstick, and the smooth look is marred by lipstick-covered flakes coming off?

Dry lips have become such a commonplace occurrence that most of us don’t even notice it anymore. We lick, we peel, and we make the condition worse than it is. Lips are prone to being the driest part of the face or body. The layer of skin that covers our lips is extremely thin, and transparent. Because of that, the blood vessels are close to the surface, giving our lips the reddish tinge that they have.

Apart from that, moisture lost from the lips is 3–10 times more than any other part of the face or body! When that happens, the skin covering the lips starts to get tight, and splits.

Along with dehydration, other common causes of dry lips are an arid or cold climate, smoking, vitamin deficiency, sun exposure, reactions to certain medications, and excessive licking of the lips.

So what can you do to take care of your lips? Here are our tips to buck up before you pucker up!

  1. Don’t lick your lips — The mantra you should live by as far as your lips are concerned. It might be tempting, but licking them will just wash away the moisture and make your lips even drier.
  2. Stay hydrated — If you are dehydrated, your lips will take the brunt of it. Drink lots of water through the day. Using a humidifier while indoors is another great idea.
  3. Use lip balm — Use a lip balm regularly and frequently to rehydrate and heal your lips. Go for balms that have ingredients such as petroleum, beeswax, shea butter, or coconut oil. Balms with eucalyptus, menthol, or camphor, or those that are highly fragranced may cause more harm than good, so stay away from them. Choose a balm that contains emollients and antioxidants, and blends waxes with oils.
  4. Don’t peel or bite your lips — Picking at your lips will cause irritation, slow the healing process, and may even trigger a cold sore. Touching your lips constantly will transfer germs and bacteria from your hands to your lips, and can cause an infection. Similarly, using lip balms which come in pots can cause the transfer of germs to your lips.
  5. Protect your lips — Just like your face needs sunscreen, so do your lips. Choose a lip balm with sunscreen and apply it year round. When it’s cold outside, cover your lips with a scarf to avoid losing moisture.
  6. Eat right — If your lips are chapped, avoid citric and spicy foods, as they can irritate dry lips further.
  7. Use a mild exfoliant — Using a scrub made of sugar and honey or olive oil will remove dead cells and leave your lips looking soft. You can also buff your lips gently with a wet toothbrush. Don’t use exfoliants with salicylic acid, which dry out the lips even more. Even your face wash, which is designed to remove excess oil from the skin, can dry the lips, so use a lip balm before you wash your face.

Sometimes, it’s just a matter of changing your toothpaste, as synthetic flavours can cause an allergy. Contact with irritants or allergens, such as fragrances or dyes, which are present in cosmetics or skin care products can also increase the problem. And remember how your mother said you should breathe through your nose? She was right — among other benefits, your lips won’t dry out as much.

If the problem persists, see a doctor. You could have a yeast infection, or a more serious problem.

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