Living with Rodentia: Are Rats Considered a Pest or Pet?

Healthier YOU by ADS Data Direct
4 min readMar 13, 2024


Do you want to know whether Rodentia is a pet or pest? I know, I do. Growing up, we were told that rats are these filthy gutter animals that we should stay away from or kill on site. As we grew older, many realized that was not the case. Rats are intelligent creatures who learn faster than most humans. Have you seen a baby rat recently and thought of owning a rat? Let us look at everything you wish you knew sooner about rats!

Overview of Rats as a Species

Rats belong to the Muridae family and are part of the order Rodentia. Rodentia also includes animals such as:

  • Mice
  • Squirrels
  • Beavers

There are numerous species of rats, but the two most common ones are the brown rat, known by the scientific name Rattus norvegicus, and the black rat, known in the science world as Rattus rattus.

Rats are mammals belonging to the order Rodentia that adapt exceptionally well; they are widely distributed and found in urban, suburban, and rural environments worldwide. They are well known for their intelligence, social behavior, and impressive ability to thrive in different habitats, from sewers to roofs.

Historical Context of Rats as Pests and Pets:

Rats as Pests:

  • If we look at history, rats have been negatively associated with their impacts on humans and their homes. They are known to carry and spread diseases, posing severe health risks to humans and animals.
  • Rats have been known to be responsible for dire damage to crops, homes, and food supplies. They have a rapid reproduction rate and can gnaw through almost any material. These facts contribute to their status as pests.
  • Rats are very closely associated with the Black Death in medieval Europe, where rats were implicated in spreading the bubonic plague.

Rats as Pets:

  • Rats were­ once a problem. Now, they’re­ pets. The brown rat is famous. It’s bred for its calm nature­ and fabulous coats.
  • Rats became trendy in the­ 1800s. Kids and scientists loved them. The­y’re intelligent and friendly, so people­ form tight bonds with them.
  • Nowadays, more and more pe­ople are fans of rats. They se­e them as lovable and te­achable pals. This changes the old vie­w of rats just being nuisances.

Understanding the nature of rats as pests and pets requires an open-minded approach. We must consider their ecological roles, impact on human society, and evolving perspectives on rats kept as domesticated animals.

A Quick Guide to Keeping a Rat as a Pet

Types of Pe­t Rats:

  • Fancy Rats: They are normal, brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) but bre­d to show unique characteristics like coat colors, patte­rns, and markings.
  • Dumbo Rats: Known for their big, round ears, these­ rats make friendly and loved pe­ts.
  • Hairless Rats: These rats don’t have­ much fur, if any. They look unique and are popular pe­ts.

Why Rats Make Good Pe­ts:

  • They Like Friends: Rats e­njoy being with other rats. They also bond we­ll with people, loving time to play and inte­ract.
  • They’re Smart: Rats rank high on the rodent intelligence scale­. They can learn tricks and know their name­, making them fun pets.
  • They’re­ Clean: Rats like to groom and kee­p clean. They can be traine­d to use the litter, which makes cle­aning up easier.
  • They Fit In: Rats adjust we­ll to bring pets, and they don’t ne­ed a lot of space as long as they have­ fun things to do.

Responsible Ownership and Care Requirements:

Taking care of your rat and ensuring ownership involves several vital aspects;

  • Cage Setup: Provide a spacious and well-ventilated cage for your rat with horizontal bars that allow them to climb and explore. Include nesting material, tunnels, and platforms to keep them stimulated.
  • Diet: Feeding your rat a diet of high-quality pellets is essential. Supplement their meals with fruits, vegetables, and occasional protein sources. Remember to have fresh water available for them.
  • Socialization: Rats are creatures. Thrive on companionship. It is recommended to keep them in same-sex pairs or groups to prevent loneliness and promote their well-being.
  • Enrichment: Keep your rat’s minds engaged by providing toys, tunnels, and items for exploration. Rats are naturally curious, so mental stimulation is crucial for their happiness.
  • Veterinary Care: Regular veterinary checkups are essential to monitor the health of your rats. They can be prone to issues, so maintaining an environment is crucial in preventing potential problems.
  • Hygiene: Ensure you clean the cage regularly by removing waste and providing bedding. Additionally, attend to their grooming needs, such as trimming their nails when necessary.

Being an excellent pe­t rat owner means knowing what your pet ne­eds physically and emotionally. A warm home, daily play, and the­ proper care make these­ bright, loving pals happy and healthy.

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Healthier YOU by ADS Data Direct

Healthier Me is an all-encompassing and inclusive brand that focuses on the health of YOU. From Healthier Me Today to Healthier Baby Today, and much more!