How to Choose the Right Prostate Exercises for You

Health Tuber
7 min readMar 28, 2024

Understanding the critical role of the prostate gland in male reproductive and sexual health is paramount. The prostate, a walnut-sized gland, is instrumental in producing seminal fluid, a key component of semen, highlighting its significance in male fertility. However, prostate health issues can affect men at any age, with risks escalating as they age. Conditions such as prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and prostate cancer are prevalent, each presenting unique symptoms and requiring varied treatment approaches. Notably, prostate cancer stands as the most common cancer among American men, second only to skin cancer, emphasizing the need for vigilant prostate health management.

Prostate Conditions and Their Impacts:

  • Prostatitis: Involves inflammation, potentially bacterial, causing swelling of the prostate.
  • Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH): An enlarged prostate that can squeeze the urethra, complicating urination.
  • Prostate Cancer: A prevalent cancer affecting 1 in 9 men over their lifetime, necessitating varied treatments based on cancer spread.

Exercise emerges as a potent preventive measure against prostate health issues. Regular physical activity notably diminishes the risk of BPH and erectile dysfunction, underscoring exercise’s beneficial impact on prostate health. An intriguing inverse relationship exists between exercise and BPH symptoms, suggesting exercise’s potential to modulate testosterone levels, thereby influencing prostate growth and BPH development. Furthermore, men engaging in regular exercise report a 20% lower likelihood of experiencing erectile dysfunction, showcasing exercise’s comprehensive benefits on prostate health.

Types of Prostate Exercises

When considering prostate exercises, it’s essential to diversify your routine to encompass a variety of activities that cater to different aspects of prostate health. Here’s a breakdown:

Aerobic Exercises:

  • Benefits: Enhances blood flow, increases heart rate, and can have cancer-fighting benefits due to the release of antioxidants.
  • Examples: Running, brisk walking, hiking, swimming, and cycling.
  • Frequency: Aim for 30 minutes on most days of the week.

Strength and Interval Training:

  • Benefits: Reduces belly fat, linked to an increased risk of BPH and prostate cancer. Strength training complements aerobic exercises for a balanced approach.
  • Routine: Incorporate strength training on alternating days with aerobic activities. Add interval training to help manage weight and reduce the risk of prostate issues.

Kegel Exercises:

  • Purpose: Specifically targets the pelvic floor muscles, improving bladder control and alleviating urinary issues like incontinence and dribbling after urination.
  • Method: Tighten and hold the pelvic floor muscles for five seconds, then relax for five seconds. Repeat 10 to 20 times, three to four times a day.
  • When to Start: Before prostate cancer treatment, build strength and continue post-treatment to maintain muscle tone.

Incorporating these exercises into your routine can significantly contribute to prostate health, offering a comprehensive approach to the prevention and management of prostate-related issues.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Prostate Exercises

When enhancing prostate health through exercise, several pivotal factors must be considered to tailor a regimen that aligns with individual health conditions and goals.

  • Identifying Pelvic Floor Muscles: It’s crucial to accurately locate the pelvic floor muscles before initiating Kegel exercises. This can be achieved by attempting to halt or slow the urine stream mid-flow, engaging the muscles without tightening the legs, abdomen, or buttocks.
  • Exercise Adaptations Based on Age and Health Conditions: Exercise recommendations should be age-appropriate and consider any existing health conditions. For instance, men undergoing prostate cancer treatment should prioritize strengthening their pelvic floor to mitigate treatment side effects and enhance urinary and sexual functions. Conversely, activities like bicycle riding might need adjustments or alternatives for individuals with BPH, erectile dysfunction, or prostatitis, due to the potential exacerbation of these conditions. In such cases, opting for a prostate-friendly saddle could offer a compromise for cycling enthusiasts.
  • Professional Consultation for Tailored Exercise Programs: Consulting healthcare professionals is a fundamental step before starting any new exercise regimen. A tailored exercise program, developed in consultation with a urologist or physical therapist, can address specific needs and health conditions, ensuring the effectiveness and safety of the exercise routine.

Creating a Prostate Exercise Routine

Creating a well-rounded prostate exercise routine involves a blend of pelvic floor exercises, aerobic activities, and strength training, each targeting different aspects of prostate health. Here’s how to structure your routine:

1. Pelvic Floor Exercises (Kegels):

  • How to Perform: Tighten your pelvic floor muscles for five seconds, then relax for five seconds. Avoid tightening your abdomen, buttocks, or thighs.
  • Frequency: Three sets of 10 repetitions, three to four times a day.
  • Best Time to Start: Before and after prostate cancer treatment to aid in bladder control and strengthen pelvic floor muscles.

2. Aerobic and Strength Training:

  • Aerobic Exercise: Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity weekly, such as brisk walking, cycling, or swimming 9. For more vigorous activities like running or competitive basketball, adjust the intensity and duration accordingly.
  • Strength Training: Incorporate on alternating days with aerobic exercises. Focus on exercises that reduce belly fat and improve overall strength.

3. Frequency and Intensity:

  • General Recommendation: Exercise at least three times a week. Men with early-stage prostate cancer who engage in vigorous exercise for at least three hours weekly show greater activation of tumor-suppressing genes.
  • Moderate vs. Vigorous Activity: Moderate activities include walking briskly or general gardening. In contrast, vigorous activities might involve speed walking or bicycling at more than 10 mph.

This approach ensures a holistic focus on prostate health, combining the benefits of pelvic floor strengthening, cardiovascular health, and muscle strength.

Incorporating Prostate Exercises into Your Lifestyle

Incorporating prostate exercises into your lifestyle doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Here are practical ways to seamlessly blend these activities into your daily routine:

Daily Activities as Exercise:

  • Engage in walking, gardening, or dancing to keep active. Even playing with grandkids counts as physical movement.
  • Limit television and video watching to less than 5 hours a week to reduce the risk of developing symptoms of BPH. Studies show men who watched 41 hours or more were twice as likely to develop BPH symptoms.

Proactive Measures for Prostate Health:

  • Weight Control: Include circuit training, cardio, stretching, and weight training in your routine to maintain an ideal body weight, supporting prostate health.
  • Move More: Aim for at least 5 hours of exercise per week. Men with physically demanding jobs or who exercise vigorously for 5 hours weekly are less likely to develop BPH.
  • Lifestyle Adjustments: Hydrate regularly, manage stress effectively, and quit smoking to enhance both prostate and overall health.

Professional Guidance:

  • Consider consulting a fitness professional through the Medical Fitness Network for safe and effective exercise routines tailored to your needs.
  • Remember, prostate exercises are not just about managing or preventing enlargement; they also improve prostate function and enhance urinary control.

These steps can help integrate prostate health exercises into your lifestyle, promoting overall well-being and managing prostate-related issues effectively.

Conclusion: Taking Charge of Your Prostate Health Through Exercise

Through this exploration, it’s clear that exercise plays a vital role in maintaining prostate health and mitigating the risk of common conditions such as prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, and prostate cancer. The inclusion of aerobic exercises, strength training, and Kegel exercises in one’s routine presents a holistic approach to not only enhancing physical fitness but also in addressing specific aspects of prostate well-being. These exercises, tailored around individual needs and health conditions, underscore the importance of a proactive stance towards managing prostate health.

Moreover, the journey towards optimal prostate health is not a solitary one; it calls for regular consultation with healthcare professionals to ensure that the exercise regimen is both effective and safe. Embracing a lifestyle that integrates these recommended exercises can lead to significant improvements in prostate function, urinary control, and overall quality of life. As such, this guide serves as a foundational step for individuals looking to take active steps in preserving and enhancing their prostate health, highlighting its significance in the broader context of men’s health and wellness.


What is the quick pelvic floor exercise that can help shrink the prostate?

To perform a Kegel exercise, which may aid in prostate health, you should tighten your pelvic floor muscles and hold the contraction for five seconds, counting slowly. Then, relax the muscles. This completes one Kegel exercise. Aim to perform 10 to 20 Kegel exercises, three to four times daily.

Which exercises are considered most beneficial for prostate health?

The top 5 simple exercise tips for maintaining prostate health include:

  1. Aerobic Exercises: These exercises, which improve cardiovascular conditioning, are crucial for overall health.
  2. Interval Training: Alternating short bursts of intense activity with periods of rest.
  3. Kegel and Pelvic Floor Exercises: Strengthening the muscles that support the bladder and prostate.
  4. Regular Workouts: Engaging in physical activity a few days a week.
  5. Yoga: Practicing yoga can also be beneficial for prostate health.

How do you perform the 10-second swing exercise for the prostate?

To do the 10-second swing method for the prostate, lie down with your knees bent and your feet flat on the surface. Raise your buttocks while keeping your hands flat and contract your pelvic floor muscles. Hold this position and the muscle contraction for up to 10 seconds, then lower your hips back down and relax the muscles. Repeat this exercise ten times.

What is the Japanese method for reducing prostate size?

The Japanese method for shrinking the prostate is known as Rezūm Water Vapor Therapy. It is a minimally invasive procedure performed in a doctor’s office that uses the energy stored in a few drops of water to create water vapor, which is then used to treat BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) by shrinking the enlarged prostate, allowing urine to flow more freely.

