How Healthureum is changing the Healthcare Landscape

4 min readDec 11, 2017


Healthureum is a healthcare platform based on the Ethereum blockchain ecosystem that seeks to revolutionize the healthcare landscape. Healthcare is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Its growth has faced numerous challenges, especially in the data management arm. Quality healthcare is a basic need for everyone hence the need to improve the quality provided by all stakeholders.

Healthureum value addition to the healthcare industry is technologically backed and no flaws expected. By using the Ethereum blockchain, the platform uses smart contracts to help all platform participants to take control of their health more efficiently and transparently. These contracts are digitally generated and signed and cannot be altered without consensus from a percentage on the entire network.

Individual data is very important when seeking healthcare. Any health facility you visit requires you to register. This is a huge challenge since their computers are not linked to other medical facilities. There is the need for interoperability between healthcare facilities to make data retrieval seamless and real time. This is a significant area that Healthureum seeks to address using blockchain technology given the huge amount of data generated across medical facilities each year.

Over the years, affordable healthcare has become elusive to the normal patient. There are many people out there who have no access to medical insurance. They cannot access medical care during emergencies thus being exposed to limited options which delay treatment. Most of these rely on friends and family to raise funds for their medical bills. However, this will be a thing of the past, thanks to Healthereum.

Blockchain technology supports video calls for consultations and referrals. You can turn to the medical data to seek a second opinion since data stores in blocks cannot be manipulated. If you are a participant-physician, you can easily use the network data in real time to seek help for any condition, their historical diagnosis, and prescription issue. This way, you do not only save time but lives as well.

The healthcare industry badly needs authentic healthcare providers. This will prevent patients seeking cheap medical treatment from unqualified practitioners. Many practitioners take advantage of patients and fraudulently overcharge them out of their desperation. Healthureum helps in authenticating providers’ qualifications to avoid sensitive procedures going awry and wrong prescriptions that can turn fatal. As a participant in the Healthureum network, you will be able to verify the qualifications of your practitioner, their jurisdiction, and licenses.

Healthureum database will capture all relevant details of its affiliates and put in a blockchain based electronic registry. This will capture critical data that patients can verify on the network. Some of the details include medical schools attended, certifying boards, specialty, and area of residence. This way the network will work through trust and fraud will be reduced to zero.

Counterfeit drugs and fraud go hand in hand. There are so many branded drugs in the market today than a decade ago, and the numbers keep souring. These are quite expensive, and not many can afford. With blockchain technology, it is possible to track drugs from affiliate manufacturers to the end user; the patient. Wrong prescriptions can cause adverse side effects to patients, and Healthureum seeks to reverse the trends using the Ethereum supply chain function of the ecosystem.

With epidemics befalling large population, health managements become a challenge hence the need for structured collaboration and analysis of big data. This can be a huge task that can slow down operations and expose victims to death. Through large population surveillance systems, such epidemics can be avoided. With Healthureum blockchain, it is easy to process complex data and make it reliable in population monitoring. This strategy is also ideal to monitor how diseases spread and formulate strategies to avert them.

The current healthcare is prone to fraud in their operations. There is no standard data sharing point hence a leeway for fraud and manipulation. Manual healthcare back offices; billing and claims departments are no going zones for patients. Getting access to your data is marred by a lot of bureaucracy. Healthureum seeks to reduce time spent and cut down costs inflated through fraud.

Conventional IT systems are targets for hacking and replacing these with blockchain based systems is a surefire way of protecting patient data and creating an easy way to share information is a seamless way where each participant has a key to their data and is responsible for the data they share with third parties. more info please visit




A conglomerate of healthcare-related facets operated on an Ethereum-based platform.