How Project Healthureum Aims to Rein in Population Health Management in the Near Future

4 min readJan 24, 2018


Population health management or PHM refers to an essential discipline in the healthcare sector that is designed to study and facilitate care delivery efficiently across a particular group of people or the whole population. A significant objective of PHM lies in gathering, normalizing and analyzing clinical data throughout a patient’s multiple care settings to help in revealing new opportunities to enhance the patient’s well-being and also the financial outcomes of the medical institutions. Through merging medical care with outcomes assessment and healthcare economics, PHM helps providers, insurers and patients aggregate, share and analyze various patient data, thus assisting in care coordination and promoting wellness via evidence-based decisions.

Project Healthureum understands that an effective population health management system requires top-notch technologies that are capable of supporting data aggregation, data analytics, and data governance. With its blockchain-based network, Healthureum also offers better reporting capabilities that are necessary for provider and compliance incentives. For example, in many countries, PHM is usually tied to some incentives for health providers to prove that they have managed an improvement in a specific population’s health.

The leading technologies that make population health management possible are data analytics and business intelligence. The only way of truly achieving the milestones of PHM is to bring together clinical, operational and financial data from all parts of the organization and provide actionable steps to providers through analytics. Project Healthureum can significantly contribute in all these areas while providing real-time data insights, thus enabling providers to quickly identify and rectify any care issues or gaps in the general patient population. In effect, healthcare organizations will be able to improve the patient outcomes as well as gain better cost savings.

Ensuring Data Security

For population health management to be successful in improving healthcare and for care to start transitioning to a value-based system, data security is critical. In the present set up, data requires passing through many different hands before it finally reaches the doctor, which has the potential of significantly compromising the patient. There are plenty of cases where people had their health conditions leaked to the press without their previous approval, thus destroying their careers.

The key to ensuring data security is to use a compact system like the blockchain based Project Healthureum. That is the only way you can guarantee to protect patient data from leaks and fraud. In this new framework, the patient and the immediate caregivers are the only people who are authorized to view the data.

Standardization of Data Collection and Storage

One of how Project Healthureum wants to rein in PHM shortly is by offering a systematic and standardized way of collecting patient data. It will get rid of the inconvenience that patients have to deal with when they move around different departments seeking to harmonize their data. In this new network, patients will have access to all their medical history in an encrypted file that they can access at any time.

The cryptography encryption means that only you or those you give authorization will get access to that medical history. All the data from different patients across the world will be stored chronologically via blockchain. By combining all this data in one network, facilitating treatment will be a lot easier. It will help out during emergencies when doctors need to access a patient’s medical history quickly.

Convenient Doctor Consultations and Referrals through Project Healthureum

Medical consultation is crucial since it is the first opportunity for a doctor to diagnose the patient’s ailment and identify the causes of their ill health. In areas with a high population density, particularly in developing nations, patients often have to wait for extended time periods just to see the attending physician. This issue is further compounded by the lack of adequate doctors in such countries.

Project Healthureum now aims to offer a more convenient option for such patients with its innovative online doctor consultations. Through simple video consultations, patients can share their concerns and problems with experienced doctors and receive their prescriptions and treatment guidelines from the comfort of their houses. Additionally, the platform also allows patients to get referrals to vetted experts within their locality, thus avoiding incurring unnecessary costs.


Population health management, when combined with Project Healthureum, can help ensure that every person regardless of their financial background can access the care they need. Healthureum plans to achieve this by providing data security and seamless data sharing to eliminate the delays and bottlenecks in the healthcare sector. More information visit




A conglomerate of healthcare-related facets operated on an Ethereum-based platform.