The New Face of Medical Philanthropy Under Project Healthureum

4 min readJan 24, 2018


Project Healthureum is built on the premise that quality and reliable healthcare does not have to be a preserve of the few in the society, primarily the wealthy and affluent in the community. The world would be a much better place, for starters, if we could bridge the disparity between private and public healthcare structures. On a more international level, one of the best ways of giving back to humanity ought to be reducing the gap in the state of healthcare facilities between some of the most developed nations and the less industrialized economies. It is disheartening that in some places, for example, scourges such as HIV/AIDS and cancer are declared national disasters while some countries have almost zero prevalence of the same. Still, on this, there’s an urgent and dire need to make affordable and quality healthcare accessible to every living person on the planet.

That being said, one of the ways of making this dream a reality is by actively funding a host of philanthropic activities that are aimed towards alleviating pain and suffering in developing economies and enacting state-of-the-art healthcare facilities in places where there are none. As it often happens, the source of such funds is usually developed economies with the ability to sustain great non-profit causes for quite a reasonable period. Therefore, the problem is often not the lack of donors or funds but lack of a comprehensive accountability system that can ensure that the donations are used constructively to the very last dollar. Consequently, cases of mismanagement of funds by the directors in charge of such charity foundations have become the norm nowadays. Now, not only does this subvert the initial purpose of the such a noble cause but also discourages prospective donors who are actively seeking to make the world a better place.

Be that as it may, here’s how Project Healthureum will revolutionize philanthropic activities once the ecosystem comes to life.

Enforcing Traceability Using Blockchain’s Noteworthy Cryptography Features

The blockchain employed in Project Healthureum is an open distributed public ledger of digital transactions which are stored in blocks. Each transaction is stored with a date stamp and secured using cryptography. No transaction data can be altered, without the alteration of all subsequent blocks, which would require majority consensus from the network, thus making it virtually immutable. In other words, this means that there’s now a way of tracking the use of funds (even remotely) that are channeled towards furthering philanthropy-related medical ventures.

Thanks to cryptography, Project Healthureum will now restore the lack of easy traceability and accountability as far as the utilization of funds donated goes. Not only will this encourage the contribution and participation of more people, but also stretch the usability of the money donated to its furthest limits. In essence, the reality of affordable and quality healthcare will come sooner rather than later.

Elimination of the Stereotype About the Mismanagement of Donor Funds

Mismanagement or even just supposed mismanagement of funds is one of the things that has bedeviled most philanthropic organizations for ages now. Cases of misappropriation of funds that were otherwise meant for oiling noble causes are almost now synonymous with every philanthropic venture, especially in third world countries. Nonetheless, Project Healthureum is set to end this stigma and misconceived notion about the gross of funds in charitable organizations, especially considering that medical-related related charity often runs into hundreds of millions of dollars. This way, the responsible donors would be more encouraged to contribute towards greater causes that seek to end the glaring gap between the wealthy and the destitute.

Systematization and Standardization of Philanthropy-related Data

It is currently almost impossible for one to verify the legitimacy of many dubious organizations that are masquerading as charitable foundations with the intention of defrauding innocent citizens of their hard-earned money. And part of the reason stems from the fact there is lack of standardization and systemization of data in most nations around the world.

On the flipside, one of the key pillars of Project Healthureum is harmonization of records, even those that revolve around donors and the causes that are funded with taxable proceeds from the mainstream government. There are two reasons for this. For starters, this will tone down the level of mistrust that is associated philanthropy and noble causes. Secondly, it will be easy for interested parties to verify the legitimacy of any charitable venture before participating actively in it. Overall, the newly-acquired transparency and guaranteed honesty will mean more funds will be raised within a shorter time especially compared to the current scenario.

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A conglomerate of healthcare-related facets operated on an Ethereum-based platform.