Office Workout For 5 Minutes

Kate Williams
3 min readFeb 17, 2020


The creator of the workout program is Bob Harper, who was a trainer for the TV Show,”The Biggest Loser”. He teamed up with MSN to develop using this free, online program for exercise to help the office employee that sits behind the desk for 2 hours and the maximum exercise he gets is in the automobile to the home or to work. By doing exercises in your desk, while sitting on your seat, he instructs you how you can tighten target places, while you’re sitting or standing in your workplace, and eating wholesome, by watching what you bring for lunch every day.

The Lunchbox:

The website provides a virtual”lunchbox”, where it is possible to place different things in there and it will let you know the calorie count, carb count along with other nourishment counts. The descriptions are fairly basic so it may list”chicken sandwich” but not give the count should you heap it with lettuce, cheese, and tomato, for example. It is a very helpful guide, as some people do not realize that the calorie count in chips versus celery sticks, and the premise is that ingesting one healthy, low calorie meal every day, will show a difference over time, as well as the simple, in office exercise program. It makes it fun to try different combos, and you’ll be able to add and subtract items from your”lunchbox”, to see the different calorie counts.

At Least it’s free:

There is no price for your online program, and may provide you many suggestions for packing a wholesome lunch, rather than eating out. The exercises are displayed on movie by Bob Harper, so you can observe how they’re finished. The drawback is that a few workdays may not permit time for the work outs, and the menu nourishment counts are basic and don’t allow for a number of the extras which folks tend to place in their foods, and the extras are in which the wasted calories tend to be concealed.

There are 22, 5- minute movies, done with employees in surprise visits by Bob to their workplaces, to establish how anyone can learn them. It makes it entertaining, and they’re targeted to various locations and a few are done sitting, some standing. Because so many office employees have a fairly sedentary lifestyle, it provides a metabolism boost, and helps burn a few more calories than normal. It can help to get office involvement as service, but may be done separately without anyone else in the office understanding, as well.

In Conclusion:

This is a totally free, (you must create an account), minimum lifestyle weight loss, workout plan, that can be fit into any lifestyle, by curbing calories in 1 meal a day on the job or by doing exercises at your desk. Of course, it is helpful to eat sensibly another meals to make it a nutritious way of life. By working out while in work, it is a kind of multi-tasking app that can divide daily and increase your metabolism in that mid-afternoon lull. Of course, if you’ve got space to walk in your workplace after lunch, it will help accelerate the exercise program and weight loss.

