What Results In Low Sperm Count And What Can Be Done To Treat It?

10 min readJul 15, 2020


One may not think about sperm count on a general basis but when it comes to starting or expanding your family, the quality of your swimmers and their count can play a key role. Even though it takes only one sperm to fertilize an egg, the passage that takes there can be pretty rough. The higher your sperm count is, the higher are your chances of fertilizing an egg. Let us have a look at why one gets a low sperm count and how they can discover if their sperm count is low.

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Reasons behind low sperm count

Low sperm count is also known as Oligospermia. It is a main reason that leads to male infertility. A low sperm count is anything that is below fifteen million sperm per millimeter of semen. The average sperm count is seventy five million sperm per millimeter. Things that can lead to low sperm count include obesity, surgery around the testicles, having experienced trauma or taking particular medications. Other factors that can put one at the risk are exposing your testicles to a lot of heat or having specific medical issues. Apart from these, there are certain other factors that can lead to low quality of sperms. These causes can be categorized into environmental, lifestyle or medical.

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Environme testicular issue, blockage, chromosomal abnormality or hormonal imbalance, you might experience symptoms concerned with the condition and these symptontal factors

It needs to be noted that ideal sperm conditions are generally a little less than the body temperature. This is the reasons why testicles are positioned outside of the abdominal cavity in men. Overheating of testicles can lead to decreased sperm production. So, if you frequently enjoy hot tubs or love to sit with your laptop atop your lap, you stand the risk of having a lower sperm count. Other likely environmental causes include occupational exposure to pesticides, solvents, herbicides and other heavy metals or industrial chemicals. Exposure to radiations from sources like X-rays can also affect the production of sperms.


Things like heavy alcohol or drug use and vaping or tobacco usage can also lower your sperm count. Anabolic steroids that are generally taken to boost muscle mass can decrease the production of sperms and shrink testicles. Opioids and marijuana can also decrease sperm production. Other possible lifestyle factors that can lead to low sperm production include the following:

  • Emotional issues like depression, stress, especially if they are severe and long term
  • Jobs that need long hours of sitting like truck driving
  • Body weight, especially if you are overweight or have obesity can have a negative impact on your hormones
  • Vitamins, pre-workout supplements and testosterone boosters advertised for men might contain small quantities of anabolic steroids that can impair your production of sperm.

Medical factors

A history of injury, surgeries, testicular symptoms and genetic conditions like Klinefelter syndrome can boost the chances of having a low sperm count. Certain cancer treatments like radiation, surgery or chemotherapy can also affect sperm and hormone production. When testicles are exposed to radiation, they damage the cells that generate sperm. Surgery or radiation of the brain can also lead to low sperm count as hormones that are produced in the brain encourage the production of sperm.

Other possible causes that can lead to low sperm count include the following:

  • Prior infections or Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) that can lead to scarring, blockages or other kinds of damage to the reproductive system.
  • Swelling in the veins that can drain the testicles. This is called varicocele and is one of the primary causes of male infertility.
  • Problems with the immune system.
  • Issues with ejaculation or erection. For instance, spinal injuries or diabetes can lead to retrograde ejaculation or erectile dysfunction.
  • Medical treatments, procedures or medications for multiple conditions like antibiotics, ulcer drugs, antifungal, etc.
  • Conditions like cystic fibrosis can restrict sperm from entering the semen.
  • Prior surgery of the male reproductive system like bladder surgery, testicular surgery, a vasectomy, inguinal hernia repair or surgery for undescended testicles.

Signs that depict a low sperm count

You might not observe any symptoms or signs of a low sperm count until you choose to start your family. The chief symptom of oligospermia or low sperm count is infertility. In case your low sperm count is because of a fundamental condition likems are not the same as having symptoms of low sperm count. These symptoms can include the following:

  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Low sex drive
  • Less body or facial hair
  • Pain or swelling in or around the testicles

Identifying low sperm count

In case you are having unprotected sex regularly with your partner from the past one year and are not able to get your partner pregnant, you need to visit your doctor. If you experience symptoms like pain in testicles, trouble in ejaculating or past surgeries, you might need to schedule an appointment with your doctor sooner. Diagnosis generally involve medical history, semen analysis and physical exam.

A semen analysis is important in getting a diagnosis as it allows the professional to get your sperm count under a microscope and check for its shape (morphology) and mobility (movement). You doctor might also need to repeat the analysis to guarantee consistent results owing to greater variability between your semen samples.

Low sperm count treatment

Your treatment for low sperm count depends on the cause. There are also certain ways in which you can alter your Trying to Conceive (TTC) routine to make pregnancy more possible for you.


In case there are any infections in the reproductive tract, they need to be treated with medications. It is crucial that infections are treated promptly. Even when an infection is treated in a proper manner, sperm count might not return to normal if there is permanent tissue scarring. Medicines like Semenax are a natural herbal supplement that are known to increase semen production. More semen production leads to greater count of sperms. This further leads to men experiencing intense and longer orgasms. Semenax reviews across the internet depict the efficacy of the medicine that has helped several men boost their sperm production, make pregnancy possible and enjoy a satisfying sex life.

When you take Semenax, you naturally begin to generate and ejaculate more semen. In order to get rid of the increased amounts of semen, the muscles of the penis contract harder and for an increased amount of time, thereby providing better orgasms. This act then results in greater pleasure for men and their partners. Low sperm count affects the sex drive and a there is a diminished ability to get and maintain an erection. When it comes to buying Semenax for you, pharmacy stores are a good option. You can also search with the key phrase- Where to buy Semenax?- to get access to good outlets and online stores that will provide you the medicine.


For cases that involve blockages, varicoceles or problems with sperms leaving the body, surgery is a great option. For instance, varicocele can be easily corrected with a simple outpatient surgery and previously done vasectomies can be reversed. While in other cases, one can directly obtain sperms for the purpose of assisted reproduction procedures like IVF (in vitro fertilization) by surgically recovering it from the epididymis or the testicle.

Hormonal treatments

Owing to the fact that testosterone and other hormone levels that are too low or too high can lead to low sperm count, dealing with the levels with the help of medications and other medical treatments can help restore fertility. Keep in mind that the usage of testosterone, anabolic steroids and even majority of over-the-counter boosters of testosterones can lead to infertility, so it is advisable that you avoid these.

Lifestyle improvements

There are certain things that you can do at home to boost the chances of pregnancy with low sperm count like having sex more frequently and timing your sex with ovulation. For instance, having sexual intercourse every day or every other day within some days before, after and during ovulation can help you make sure that the your sperms make it to the egg at the right time. While you are at it, you need to avoid any lubricants that can slow down the sperm travel. You need to refrain from engaging in any activities that can raise the temperature of your testicles like regular saunas, steam rooms or hot tub dips. Finally, refrain from excessive alcohol or drug usage and workout that can lead to lowering down the count of sperms.

Alternative medication

Even though a range of vitamin supplements have been studied, vitamins or antioxidants can have negligible effect unless you have an actual dietary deficiency. Get in touch with your doctor prior to taking any supplements as some of these supplements can interact with other medications that you might be taking. Also keep in mind that some workout supplements can have a negative impact on your fertility. Medicines like Semenax will come in handy to boost the sperm production for it is a natural supplement and poses no health risks.

Give some time

It is important for you to consider that any kind of treatment or changes in your lifestyle will not be instantly reflected in your sperm count. This is because the time frame of sperm production and transit is around two to three months. As such, you might not be able to see an increase for three months on an average.

Let us now have a look at some of the ways that can help you in improving your fertility and sperm count:

Exercise regularly

Apart from being beneficial for your overall health, exercising regularly can help you improve your testosterone levels and boost fertility. Studies have depicted that men who exercise regularly have improved semen quality and higher levels of testosterone as compared to men who do not exercise. Nevertheless, you should avoid excessive exercise as this can have a counter effect and possibly decrease your testosterone levels. In case you exercise rarely or do not exercise at all and wish to boost your fertility, then you need to make physical fitness as one of your top priorities.

Take plenty of vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for both male and female fertility. It is another nutrient that helps in improving testosterone levels. Studies have shown that the deficiency of vitamin D in men can lead to lower levels of testosterone. High levels of this vitamin are linked with better sperm mobility.

Get sufficient amount of vitamin C

Apart from helping us build a great immune system, vitamin C also helps improve fertility. It is a great antioxidant supplement that carries with itself a range of benefits. When levels of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) reach dangerous levels in our body, oxidative stress happens. This is because of the fact that our antioxidant defenses are confused owing to old age, disease, environmental pollutants and an unhealthy lifestyle. If the levels of ROS are high, they lead to tissue inflammation and injury and increased risk of chronic disease. Certain evidences have also depicted that extremely high levels of ROS and oxidative stress can result in infertility in men.

Taking in sufficient amount of antioxidants like vitamin C can help in counteracting certain harmful effects. There is also some evidence that supplements of vitamin C can improve the quality of semen. The supplements can considerably improve sperm count as well mobility while decreasing the number of sperm cells that are deformed. Thus, we can conclude that vitamin C can result in improved fertility in men who suffer from oxidative stress.

Get sufficient zinc

Zinc is an important mineral that is found in great amounts in animal foods like eggs, fish, shellfish and meat. Getting good amount of zinc is the main foundation for having good male fertility. Observational studies have shown that zinc deficiency or low zinc status is linked with low levels of testosterone, poor quality of sperms and an added risk of male infertility. Men who have low zinc content in their body benefit from taking zinc supplements as these improve sperm count and testosterone levels. Moreover, zinc supplements can diminish the reduced testosterone levels that are linked with extreme amounts of high intensity exercise.

Reduce stress

Stress can greatly affect your sex life. But there is more to it. Stress decreases your sexual satisfaction and affects your fertility. Prolonged stress leads to an increase in the levels of cortisol that can have significant negative impacts on testosterone. When cortisol increases, testosterone levels go down. Even though severe anxiety needs to be treated with medication, mild forms of stress can be decreased with the help of relaxation techniques.

You can manage your stress levels by doing things like going for a walk in the nature, spending time with friends, exercising and meditating.

Is low sperm count linked with infertility?

If the sperm count in your semen is low, this does not imply that it is impossible for you to achieve pregnancy. But, this can take a little bit longer and how long it can take will depend on a range of factors. These factors are distinct to you and your partner and also consider things like the count of your sperms and how healthy they are. Medicines like Semenax will prove to be boon here for you.

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Motility describes the ability of the sperm to move around and go where it is meant to go. If you have a good sperm motility, having lesser sperm count might not be a big problem. But, if you have a low sperm count then the motility will be affected and it will take longer for sperms to go where they’re meant to. The fertility of your partner can also play a key role here and so does your capability to time sex concerning the window of ovulation.




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