7 Unusual Ways to Fix Your Server (Brain): stimulus-fried nervous system permanently

3 min readMay 28, 2024


sudo brain update

As a software developers we often face long hours and high-pressure deadlines, leaving our minds feel like an overheated CPU. This constant mental strain can lead to burnout (you know rest of the story )

Fortunately, just like a computer can be optimized, so can our mind. By making these 10 simple lifestyle changes, you can upgrade your stimulus-fried nervous system and be more productive.

It all starts with these 10 simple lifestyle switches

1) Switch coffee for ceremonial cacao

You love coffee but :

Coffee increases cortisol.

Consistent high cortisol levels lead to chronic stress.

To avoid that, drink nectar of gods — ceremonial cacao.

It will provide the desired boost during coding , along with these powerful benefits below.

2) Switch coding music playlist for healing sounds

Aggressive music gets your adrenaline flowing.

It creates a state of agitation, which can be detrimental.

If you’re hyped up all the time and never relax, you will burn out.

Instead, switch to hand-pan music whilst working.

3) Switch podcast during travel time for presence and reconnection to your senses

we spend hours in coding , losing touch with the world around us. Our commute, whether it’s a quick drive or a long train ride, often becomes an extension of our workday, filled with tech podcasts or coding tutorials. While staying informed is important, it’s equally crucial to give our minds a break and reconnect with our senses.

4) Switch a brain-zap on Instagram for an intentional scroll on X(or skip both)

“Social media is like a drug. The more you get into it, the harder it is to get out.” “Social media is where people go to pretend that their lives are better than they actually are.”

5) Switch noise-canceling headphones for wired earphones

Wearing any wireless headphones is EMF baptism.

If you don’t want to fry your brain, use wired earphones.

☛☛ code source

6) Switch closed shoes for barefoot or open shoes

Wearing shoes prevents your nervous system from working optimally.

Instead, touch the earth with bare skin (grounding).

Earth’s surface contains free electrons which can be transferred to your body.

Grounding has immense benefits :

• Reduces stress

• Improves sleep

• Activates sympathetic nervous system

• Normalises day-night cortisol rhtytm

7) Switch the Apple alarm for the Sleep Cycle

Align your circadian rhythm with the sun.

How? Use the Sleep Cycle app.

Wake up in your lightest period of sleep in a 30- minute window.

It’s an absolute game-changer.

8) Switch overtime culture for time off

coding all the year non-stop without rest leads to chronic stress.

To perform at your full capacity (without sacrificing your life):

• Prioritise daily deep work (major tasks)

• Take weekly time off

You are not machines! You are only humain

9) Switch light mode for dark mode

If you are using light mode on your IDE , stop.

move to dark mode :

• Improve focus

• Less Blue Light — Healthier Sleep.

• Reduced Eye Strain in Darker Surroundings.

☛☛ code source again

10) Switch meditation for breathwork

Meditation takes months to feel a deeper connection to the source.

Breathwork’s connection to the source is experienced in one session.

When you are connected to it, you’re grounded, and at peace.

Here’s cheat sheet practic:

Double InhalesBreath in until you feel “full.”

Once full, take another short-sharp inhale through your nose.

Breath out fully over 12 seconds.Repeat as needed.

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Our greatest asset isn't the code we write ,👨‍💻 . It's us. Our health, our minds🧠