Melissa Wood Health Workout Review PurelyPope

New Business Ideas
4 min readDec 30, 2019


Melissa Wood Health Workout Review PurelyPope

I always felt nervous or anxious when going to Barry’s or a Body pump class, and on the contrary I ALWAYS look forward to doing the MWH ( Melissa Wood Health Workout Review PurelyPope ) . on the weekend, sometimes I may just do ten minutes, but I feel like the daily movement, no matter how short the timeframe is has been a game changer for my mental and physical state. Melissa helped me realize that is not the case, and these short flows can really be so effective when you’re connecting wit your body.

Melissa Wood Health Workout Review PurelyPope

I did a poll on Instagram so that I could answer all of your questions on this very topic, so here are your questions answered directly !

Your Quetions, Answered

Q. Tell me about the program ?

A : The workouts are all pilates/yoga style flows. Melissa always has a minimum of twelve workouts up for you to choose from, typically ranging from 15–30 minutes. She also has a few meditations, 4–5 treadmill series and pre/post natal series too. You can pick and choose your flow, or go along with her weekly schedule. The workouts can be done with no equipment (she posts quite a few that don’t use any.) The top equipment pieces she uses are these wrist/ankle weights and booty bands. You can check out all of the other equipment here.

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Q : Why did you switch from high to low impact workouts?

A : As I started incorporating the lower impact workouts, my body stated craving them more and more. I always felt nervous or anxious when going to Barry’s or a Body pump class, and on the contrary I ALWAYS look forward to doing the MWH workouts. I also loved the way it made me feel in the mornings. I always do my workouts first thing in the morning, and I have a high stress job. I was immediately starting off on a high stress state for the day when I did the high intensity workouts. With the low impact, it’s a much more grounding and peaceful start to the day which I was craving in my life.

Q : How many days a week do you do MWH workouts?

A : I typically do the MWH workouts 6–7 days/a week. The beauty of the workouts is that I typically am only spending 20–40 minutes working out. on the weekend, sometimes I may just do ten minutes, but I feel like the daily movement, no matter how short the timeframe is has been a game changer for my mental and physical state. I used to think I needed to spend hours in the gym slaving away. Melissa helped me realize that is not the case, and these short flows can really be so effective when you’re connecting wit your body.

Q : How have MWH workouts changed your body specifically?

A : Since doing MWH workouts, I feel that my abs, legs and arms are more defined than ever. I think that this also has to do with diet of course. When I was doing high intensity workouts, I was RAVENOUS throughout the day. I feel that I’ve really leaned out over the past year. I think it’s a full mind, body, spirit transformation and I really am the happiest and healthiest that I’ve ever been. I credit this to my meditation practice, honoring myself and when to say no, my clean eating and of course my MWH workouts!

Q : Are there enough prenatal workouts?

A : Right now she has fourteen prenatal flows + two prenatal treadmill series on the website. I believe that some of her typical flows are also prenatal safe but she’s great to respond to questions on that!

Q : I worry that I am not seeing a difference if I don’t incorporate more HIT workouts. Have you lost any muscle? I love MWH but feel like I struggle w/ since stopping weight lifting. Thoughts?

A : To be totally honest, I used to worry about this as well when I first started the workouts. I was worried about losing muscle as well, but it hasn’t happened. For me, I still see a difference when solely doing Mellissa Wood’s workouts. She actually recommends solely doing her workouts to see the best, most effective results.

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