9 Ways On How To Poop Fast

4 min readNov 9, 2021



Understanding Constipation

Your activity and dietary patterns, age, sexual orientation, and wellbeing status all influence how many bowel movements you experience in one given day. While there is no set number of bowel movements an individual ought to have, it’s strange and perhaps hazardous to go three or less times each week.

Regularly, constipation causes you to have fewer bowel movements, making it harder and harder for you to pass stool. This makes you to go through excessive stress all while increasing the time you spend in the toilet. According to doctors this is the number one reason for developing hemorrhoids, and a leading cause for anal fissures.

And it’s true, no one wants to think of enemas. There are lots of alternatives to dealing with constipation. I list some of the easy ways for you to make yourself poop below. Studies have also shown that fiber supplements significantly help with relief from constipation. We’ll get into more detail on this later.

Reasons for Constipation:

The reasons for constipation vary. The condition may essentially be as a result of things such as lack of hydration or eating food sources with too little fiber. In other, more genuine cases, constipation can be the aftereffect of stress, hormonal changes, spinal wounds, muscle issues, tumors, and other primary issues influencing the gastrointestinal system.


The following techniques can assist you to poop quickly while relieving yourself effectively from constipation:

1. Take a fiber supplement

Fiber supplements are easily available accessible and effective at triggering bowel movements, if a low-fiber diet is the reason for the constipation. They work by adding mass, or volume, to your stool. This helps in pushing the stool through your digestive system (intestines) and out of your body.

You can watch a free video from the experts on how to deal with constipation. Most fiber supplements will contain: calcium polycarvophil (FiberCon), psyllium (Metamucil, Konsyl) and methylcellulose (Citrucel).

2. Eat a serving of high-fiber food

These food varieties are high in fiber:

1. oats

2. whole grain bread or cereal

3. fruits and fibrous veggies

4. rice and beans

Make certain to drink a lot of water with these food varieties, as it will additionally assist with pushing your stool through your digestive system.

3. Take a laxative stimulant

Laxative stimulants are intended to induce movement by squeezing intestines. You can get such stimulants over the counter at your neighborhood drug store. Some famous choices include:

1. bisacodyl (Dulcolax, Ducodyl, Correctol)

2. senna-sennosides (Senokot)

4. Take an osmotic

Osmotic laxatives work somewhat uniquely in contrast to stimulant laxatives as they are designed to help move liquids through the colon. They include:

1. magnesium hydroxide (Phillips Milk of Magnesia)

2. polyethylene glycol (MiraLAX)

3. magnesium citrate

4. lactulose (Kristalose)

5. Drink a glass of water

Taking eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day is important for regular and normal bowel movement. In case you’re constipated and haven’t been drinking a sufficient measure of water, drinking a lot of water (like a large glass of water) or any other clear liquid might induce bowel movements.

6. Try a lubricant laxative

Lubricant laxatives, for example, mineral oil add a smooth coat to your digestive system (intestinal walls) making it easier for stool to travel through your colon and out of your body much faster/easily, without any problem. Take mineral oil close to two hours after your evening supper, and then expect to see results within six to eight hours.

7. Utilize a stool softener

One normal reason for constipation is dehydration, which can cause hard stool. By using a stool softner, for example, docusate sodium (Colace) or docusate calcium (Surfak), you can make stool moist by pulling water from your intestinal tract. This permits the stool to leave your body easily, without any problem.

8. Try a suppository

I know no one wants to insert anything into their rectum, but if worst comes to worst and nothing I have talked about has worked so far you can go with this option. Rectal suppositories help in softening stool to make it easy for you to poop. You can try glycerin or bisacodyl suppository, which you can find at your nearby drug store.

9. Long-term relief/Lasting solutions for constipation and better gut health

If you are looking for a long-term solution for constipation, or suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Leaky Gut, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or chronic acid reflux then I also recommend that you watch this informative video from the experts on how you can further find lasting relief.

I hope this will help you. Peace.

