Information about our future
3 min readNov 28, 2017


Dear Heardbeats Community,

Our Pre-ICO has finished and you are the first investors in our project — congratulations and thank you for your support from the start. Together, we will change live concerts forever.

We have received a great deal of support and comments from investors and fans, which has led us to reflect on the things investors need in order to see the true potential of Heardbeats. Currently, these are things that are in the process of development, such as concreting partnerships with the industry (which cannot currently be divulged due to confidentiality agreements) and creation of a 100% functional prototype of the platform with a demonstration of a real concert, where everyone can feel the Heardbeats experience and not just imagine it. In general, we want to provide investors with more complete and tangible milestones that can better convey the great potential of this project before them. So, at this moment, we need time to complete negotiations with producers and be able to announce them, create a real demonstration with a live concert, finish the functional prototypes of the platform so that people can test it themselves and, finally, obtain the support of artists and other important figures in the industry. These, along with many other improvements, will make the public, especially big investors, want to invest in Heardbeats in a substantial way.

Therefore, we have made the decision to postpone the main ICO until we have completed the milestones mentioned above and are 100% ready to ensure the success of our ICO and the investment made by all of you, the Pre-ICO investors. The ICO will now take place during the first semester of 2018. The exact dates will depend on how quickly we can perform the necessary tasks outlined above. For this reason, we have decided to compensate our current investors by doubling the number of tokens they have as appreciation for their support of our decision. We will also provide the option to reimburse investments (minus the corresponding transfer fees of your respective blockchain) to those who wish to withdraw their investments.

On November 28 at 23:59 UTC, we will enable a system on our platform where investors can choose the option of duplicating their tokens or completing a return of their purchases. It should be noted that once your decision is made, it can not be undone. The deadline for selecting one of the two options will be Sunday, December 3 at 23:59 UTC. If no action is taken before this time, the option to preserve and duplicate the tokens of each investor will be applied by default.

As a team, we want to assure you that delaying the ICO is the best decision for the success of the project as it was discussed many times in great detail with our advisors.

It is very important to us to be as transparent as possible because we believe it is the right thing to do and is what our community deserves.

We greatly appreciate your understanding and your support. We hope that during this time, you will help us to grow our community of users and to expand the project through word of mouth. We know that Heardbeats is a strong project that must achieve success. For this reason, we will work very hard to achieve our goals and objectives.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to write us at or contact us through our official telegram.

Thank you very much.

We will be in touch soon with more news.



Heardbeats eliminates the physical barriers that currently exist in the industry and brings the live concert experience to any location in real time through VR.