Chapter 1: Inner Monkey

Zero Hero: A Heart at Peace

HeartBank Club


Table of Contents


There lived a monkey stuck between two large boulders.
The only parts of his body that poked out were his head and shoulders.

Mother Nature punished the monkey for all his sins.
The feeling of regret was starting to sink in.

A foot from the monkey’s face dangled a ripe, juicy peach.
“That’s my favorite… but I’m stuck,” he screeched.

The monkey tried to stick out his short tongue to grab a chunk.
For three days he had not eaten his usual junk.

Suddenly, wrapped around the peach was a hand that was soft and brown.
The monkey looked up and saw a Buddhist monk dressed in an orange gown.

The monk picked the peach and then fed it to the monkey.
The monkey chewed it all up and then said, “YUMMY!”

Suddenly Tawn woke up in the middle of the night,
his lips still moving munching nothing in sight.

“Darn!” groaned Tawn. “It was only a dream…
But the taste was so delicious, my tummy screamed!

