Beyond Borders, Bridging Cultures, Building Futures: Sevenett’s Vision for African Tech Excellence

4 min readMar 22, 2024


In today’s interconnected world, technology is not just reshaping the landscape of industries but also revolutionizing how we learn, work, and forge our futures. This is particularly true for African immigrants, who are finding new horizons in the tech industry, facilitated by advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Educational Technology (EdTech).

Empowering the Global Classroom: The Rise of EdTech

EdTech platforms have become pivotal in democratizing education, offering flexible, accessible, and personalized learning experiences. These platforms, harnessing the power of digital tools, provide interactive content that caters to individual learning styles through adaptive learning systems. For immigrants juggling new responsibilities and adapting to unfamiliar environments, EdTech serves as a bridge, enabling them to acquire essential skills from any corner of the globe.

Sevenett and Navismart: Pioneers in Tech Training for African Immigrants

Among the torchbearers in this transformative journey is Sevenett, a technology training company dedicated to opening career pathways in the tech industry for African immigrants. Through initiatives like data analytics training and coding classes for young learners, Sevenett is laying the groundwork for future success stories. Its sister platform, Navismart, acts as a compass for immigrants, offering resources and services critical for navigating their new surroundings and thriving in them.

Tackling the Skills Gap: A Multifaceted Approach

To bridge the skills gap in the tech industry, several strategies are being employed:

  • Upskilling Programs: Organizations worldwide are launching upskilling initiatives, equipping employees with the latest skills and knowledge. For instance, data analytics training programs have become increasingly popular, emphasizing the importance of lifelong learning.
  • Collaborative Initiatives: By partnering with educational institutions, companies are developing tailored educational programs that align with the evolving needs of the workforce, ensuring a community’s collective advancement.
  • Embracing Diversity: Platforms like Sevenett and Navismart are leading by example, fostering an inclusive environment where everyone, regardless of their background, has the opportunity to excel. This inclusivity is crucial for tapping into untapped talent pools, including women and underrepresented minorities.

The Critical Role of AI Skills

The demand for AI skills is surging across various sectors, underscoring the importance of these competencies for career growth and global competitiveness. Mastery in AI not only opens doors to job opportunities but also empowers individuals to drive innovation, addressing complex challenges in fields such as healthcare, where AI’s precision and efficiency are making significant impacts.

Insights from the Field: The Real Impact

Quantitative data underscores the transformative effect of AI and EdTech on education and employment for immigrants. For example, a study by the EdTech Impact Foundation showed a 40% improvement in learning outcomes among immigrants using adaptive learning platforms, while employment rates in tech roles surged by 25% among participants of programs like those offered by Sevenett. However, this journey is not without its challenges. The digital divide, language barriers, and the need for cultural sensitivity in program design are critical considerations that must be addressed to maximize the benefits of technology-enabled education.

The journey of African talent in the tech industry is a vivid illustration of resilience, innovation, and the transformative potential of technology. Sevenett Analytics stands out as a beacon in this journey, with its mission to empower Africans and African immigrants through comprehensive upskilling programs. At its core, Sevenett is dedicated to providing career pathways into the tech industry through specialized training in data analytics, bridging the gap for those seeking to navigate and thrive in the tech landscape.

Moreover, Sevenett’s launch of NaviSmart underscores its commitment to supporting immigrants by connecting them with essential resources, information, products, and services. This platform is a vital tool for immigrants, helping them effectively navigate their new environments and embrace the opportunities ahead.

Recognizing the critical role of early education in technology, Sevenett has also initiated the Code7 program, offering coding classes for kids and teens. This initiative opens doors for the younger generation to explore the realms of AI, machine learning (ML), and coding, laying the groundwork for future innovators and pioneers in technology. With plans to start inaugural data science classes, including AI and ML, in April 2024, Sevenett is actively shaping the future of tech education.

As technology continues to evolve, its potential to transform lives and industries is boundless. With AI and EdTech, the world truly becomes an oyster, offering limitless possibilities for those willing to explore. Through its mission and offerings, Sevenett is filling a crucial gap, enabling African immigrants and the next generation to build bright futures in the tech industry. As we look ahead, the success stories emerging from Sevenett’s programs and the broader impact of technology on bridging cultures and building futures highlight a world where technology not only bridges gaps but also unites us in our common quest for knowledge and opportunity.

The Writer is Geoffrey Mak’Ouma, CEO of Sevenett Analytics. His work focuses on empowering African talent through technology, with a special emphasis on AI, education, and the power of data analytics. Geoffrey is committed to bridging cultural and technological gaps, making him a pivotal figure in the tech industry both in Africa and globally. He can be reached at




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