Am I the Narcissist?

3 min readSep 17, 2024


I found myself repeatedly pondering a particular question, and it made me feel like I was losing my mind. This feeling was completely unfamiliar to me, and it was terrifying.

One argument led to another like wildfire.

I was trying to communicate my feelings and thoughts, hoping they would be understood by someone else. However, I realized that my message never reached others’ perspectives. It felt like a waste of time, and I kept forgetting what had happened, almost as if it were some kind of magic.

It took a toll on my mental well-being before I fully understood the situation and the manipulation that was occurring.

How did I get here?

A friendly facade, false kindness, vulnerability, and deception — all misleading. And for that, I am grieving.

They say, never expect everyone to have the same heart as yours. And I stand by this statement. I made my bed and lay in it as my painful lesson.

I have attempted to connect with others in the hope of gaining their understanding of what I have endured. Unfortunately, the response has been limited to raised eyebrows and a tone of blame. I refrain from arguing with them, as they have not experienced it themselves, and I would not wish the same experience upon anyone, not even an adversary of mine.

If anyone has gone through something similar, please know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. If you are questioning whether you are a narcissist, please remember that you are probably not. Those with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) often do not question themselves because they believe they are always right and lack self-reflection.


How do you know you are interacting with the Narcissists? Or sort of…

  1. Excessive Need for Admiration. — “I just want people to recognize how amazing I am and appreciate everything I do.; I am a nice person.”
  2. Lack of Empathy. — “Why should I care about their problems? Everyone has their issues to deal with.; I don’t care.”
  3. Grandiosity. — “I’m destined for greatness; people just don’t realize how talented I am.”
  4. Sense of Entitlement. — “I deserve the best because I’ve worked harder than everyone else, and I shouldn’t have to wait for anything. ; I paid fully, I should be taken care of with special treatment.”
  5. Manipulative Behavior. — “If you cared about me, you would help me with this. But I guess you don’t care as much as you say you do.; That’s why I do not want to borrow money from anyone — after they don’t follow up on their promise to pay you on time.”
  6. Arrogance. — “Honestly, I don’t see how anyone could think their ideas are better than mine. I’m the best at what I do, and everyone knows it. ; I have two passports, and I can slap them with it. — after getting questioned in the immigration booth.”
  7. Sensitivity to Criticism. — “How dare you criticize me? You don’t even know what you’re talking about! I’m way more qualified than you!; -*walks away, changes the topic, and turns the fault to you**roll eyes*.”
  8. Exploitativeness. — “I am hungry, I do not want to eat anymore.” — you helped them, but when it's you that needs help.", *cricket sounds*.
  9. Relationship Issues. — “I don’t see why I should change my plans just because you want to do something else. My needs come first.; Or… adjust to the plan and complain non-stop after.”
  10. Surface-Level Relationships. — “I only keep friends who can help me advance my career; the rest just don’t matter.” — or they won’t answer your call or they won’t call you unless they need you.

In brief, manifestations of narcissistic traits, such as an excessive need for admiration, absence of empathy, grandiosity, a sense of entitlement, manipulative conduct, arrogance, susceptibility to criticism, exploitativeness, interpersonal relationship challenges, and superficial affiliations, can profoundly influence interpersonal dynamics.

People with these traits often prioritize their own needs over others, leading to shallow interactions and difficulties in forming meaningful bonds.

Recognizing these behaviors is crucial for understanding and addressing the challenges that arise in relationships affected by narcissism. Awareness can promote healthier dynamics and foster more empathetic and genuine connections with others.

Be careful out there. Love ya!

