Funny (and weird) things when going ICO 😅

Hearthy Co.
6 min readNov 8, 2017

A lot of things are happening to us since we published the project, we are having an outstanding, global attention from the Health,Pharma and Insurance sectors, and some great professionals are joining the project in different ways, that is great, we love it. Unfortunately we cannot talk too much about how things are going at this time, but all is going great.

At the same time some weird things happened to us, I’m going to share the funniest and weirdest today, most of them are scammy things, btw.


Crypto is getting people crazy, in many ways, if you are already crazy things just got worse. A random guy joined our telegram stating our ICO was a Scam. He didnt gave us a single reason, so we kicked him out.

An hour later he posted some random thing on bitcointalk, with a newbie account , accussing us of scam, racism, and having fake profiles, of not having a product, when actually a demo is on our site, running.

Hours later the same guy entered the telegram with 2 new accounts, saying another user (him) told our project is a scam, its all the same guy.

We kicked him away when we realized it was a kind strange thing.

As he cant troll anymore our telegram group he used some more newbie accounts on bitcointalk to accusing of having fake linkedin profiles . We published again a post, saying the truth.

In the middle I tried to talk to him, we are doing a founding round, so trust is all, I have never a troll saying any of my business are scam, so I agreed to talk to him various times, here is were the weird blackmail starts.

He told we were making more ICOs, , and the weirdest thing there is that this little piece of … just asked to join. We said him we didn’t know these teams. thats where I started to notice his mental health was not ok. Here is where the blackmail starts, he is not only a crazy guy, he also want to make money with scams… sick…

Later he started to say Juan Suarez, our CMO was not a real doctor

We responded him with Juan MD Title

And this thing continues so far, the community on bitcointalk is showing us some support, as everybody stated his accounts were fake.

When he noticed he lost all credibility he just moved to reddit, where is making some more noise against us. The bad part of this that you GUYS OF REDDIT are helping this SORDID MANIAC.

We did bad on interacting with him, and I called him names, I did, which I regret, but he provoked me, as I have never been provoked before. But guys keep in mind, after more than 15 days working 14 hours one is not in good humour, after all the effort we are making in delivering a good project, a sordid maniac enters ours social media and start to destroy all. Its being a nightmare. But, LESSON LEARNED, NEVER EVER FEED A TROLL.

Scam Score: 8/10

  1. ETH domainer/Blackmail guy.

A guy from telegram just bought the hearthy.eth property. His idea was to sell it to us, so he appeared on the telegram channel. We tried to talk to him. He basically tried to blackmail us. IPlease notice that the hearthy.eth property may be a font of phising. Being responsible with investors means not to deal with blackmailers.

Scam Score: 6/10

2. Crazed marketing budgets from unknow agencies.

At Glue Digital we work usually with some of the best talent in marketing and advertising, some are clients, partners and friends, so we know a bit about that. Since the project was launched a lot of so-called specialists have approached us, in several ways, with crazed marketing budgets, asking for 5 zeros sums without even can show a properly case of study, a solid client or any track record on the marketing industry, not even KPIs, numbers, real strategy. Just nonsense keynotes with huge sums attached.

Again, being responsible with investors money means not to waste it on advertising, specially if the your marketing campaign is to raise more money from a crowdsale.

4. Top experts trolling on blockchain projects

Since we launched the ICO several proffesionals have approached us, in different ways. Most of them came by referals, friends and contacts, but at the same time other people just came. One that a guy with god avatar entered telegram, he started to make tough questions, we were not able to give him the response he wanted. At first we thought he was trolling us, and he was, but we talked enough to understand he was on the main contributors on the HL7 standard. After the first bad move we continue talking, and we are in good terms now. In fact we are in talks to make him an advisor, we have some technical gaps in HL7 design, as any startup on our stage, in which his talent comes in handy. Talent comes in strange ways


Well, who the hell will invest in a company that reach you trought email spam? One thing is talking with linkedin contacts, we make it everyday. But bulk spam is another level. IDK if this might actually work, hope it doesnt, as all the emails from the domain can be blacklisted soon. Google is very wise on that. Some guys are also selling all Bitcointalk users mails

We have also spam on slack, telegram, twitter, normally from other ICOs.

Scam score: 1/10

7. The exchange Scam

A possible investor, and part of the community asked to show proof of being listed at exchanges, most exchanges dont list you until you show some money on the ICO pocket, but we tried to move to be listed ASAP, and scammers, understanding that need, just appared. Another trusted user from bitcointalk said us that he will get us accepted on Binance and HITBTC if we pay him about BTC6.1

I wanted to see more, the sum was totally absurd, btw I wanted to see a bit more, at the end a shady email came to us. Scamming Score: 3/10

The great thing about scammers is that they just do a very bad job. Creating a fake mail is a very easy task, but man, take your time to make the counterfeit…

8. More exchange scams

Another guy trying to sell us a listing on exchanges, Im getting bored about this, this time the strategy is even less ellaborated, he uses a gmail account, impersonanting as an ambisafe official. Scamming score: 4/10

And that’s all, this world is crazy.



Hearthy Co.

With Hearthy we want to create a decentralized, open and sustainable ecosystem to improve health care access to everyone.