Hearthy Co.
3 min readOct 25, 2017

Thanks to you Hearthy has been growing steadily from our modest beginning a few months ago.

If you follow our progress, you must be familiar with our value proposition : Give the health data to its rightful owner, you.

This article is about how the ICO’s world is seeing the work that we have been doing for you until now. Is important for us that you see our value proposition and the commitment that we have towards our mission.


IcoBench has given us a 4.0/5 score. We have since reviewed the criteria that this website used to define it and we are pretty confident than we will reach a much higher score since we are putting a lot of effort into the democratization of content and bringing value to the people that we want to help. In the next days we will put out some content and news that we are sure will increase even more the confidence in our project and our goal.


Another rating website has given us a 7/10 score and we would like to highlight the fact the highest score that they have given to an ICO is 8/10 until now. Unlike Icobench, you have to pay to get the analysis of your ICO. We are very happy that Foxico did a correct analysis of how strong our team is. We have managed to put together a wide variety of backgrounds and we are confident and this is just the beginning.


Tokentops also created a great review of our ICO, with 4 of 5 points. Putting us on the best 10% of all-time ICOs

It’s the project from the worth supporting type

The analist say. https://tokentops.com/ico/hearthy/


Last but not least, we have Icosource. This time there’s no rating, but we are happy that our efforts are paying off in terms of visibility.

If you know any other place where Hearthy is referenced we would be glad to hear about it. Contact us on our group in Telegram.

The path is still very long and we need you to make this project come true. JOIN US on our ICO pre-sale and have 45% discount !

About the author :
Juan Sebastian SUAREZ VALENCIA,MD. is a french physician, born in Bogota — Colombia. He is also an entrepreneur in telemedicine with a company in Paris, France and medical advisor at Hearthy. For more information : LinkedIn

Hearthy Co.

With Hearthy we want to create a decentralized, open and sustainable ecosystem to improve health care access to everyone.