Hearthy Co.
3 min readOct 23, 2017

Our recent blog posts were about some of the abstract aspects of Hearthy. It’s time to talk a little bit more about the practical aspect of our project 😌.

First of all, we would like to point out what is Hearthy and why the app that we are going to present is only the top of the iceberg in our project.

Hearthy is a mission. The mission to help you to take possession of your health data. Period.

But, as simple as this mission is, the path is much more complicated. There’s a lot of barriers between ourselves today and that mission. For example we have the internet access situation, interoperability protocols, storage costs, regulations, health providers, health institutions, governments…..

So, we decided to start small. The application that we present today is one of the first steps of our long journey to help you. We create it because we think that we don’t have to wait to accomplish all the mission before having a positive impact on people’s life. We can start doing good as we move forward.

The application

We have created a simple mobile application for telemedicine consultations. Its purpose is not to solve all the medical conditions but to try to handle some clinical situations that don’t necessarily need the physical contact in order to achieve a successful clinical outcome.

This applications has two different sides : a patient side and a physician one.

The patient side

We have different sections in the app.

  1. Consultation: You can see here if there are consultations that you have already had or will take place in the future, as well as those that are ongoing.
  2. History : You will be able to see your personal details and other medical histories. You will be able to transcribe any medical condition, vaccines, allergies etc.
  3. Current Balance : Here you will have your HER token provision and your payments history
  4. Treatments : Ongoing or programmed medicine schedules
  5. Configuration : Edit info and app preferences
  6. New Consultation : The doctor-patient communication app to let patient chat with a healthcare provider.

The physician side

You will see the current

  1. Video sessions waiting
  2. Sessions waiting
  3. Free sessions waiting

When the patient connects to the platform, the physician will have access to the patient’s health information. Please take into account that the shared data will be the one that the patient has chosen to make available for this consultation.

Our goal is to make things as simple as possible.

Note: This demo app is not connected to the network. Hence, there is “not” real physicians and all the data and users are for demonstration purposes only.

The path is still very long and we need you to make this project come true. JOIN US on our ICO pre-sale and have 45% discount !

About the author :
Juan Sebastian SUAREZ VALENCIA,MD. is a french physician, born in Bogota — Colombia. He is also an entrepreneur in telemedicine with a company in Paris, France and medical advisor at Hearthy. For more information : LinkedIn

Hearthy Co.

With Hearthy we want to create a decentralized, open and sustainable ecosystem to improve health care access to everyone.