Hearthy Co.
3 min readOct 18, 2017

At Hearthy, we are aware that health regulations are there for a reason and that is why we respect them.

Health data is among the most precious information that we have. It tells so many things about us…. And yet, most of them don’t have access to a big share of this data. At Hearthy, we want to change that. But by giving YOU the control over YOUR data, we have the responsibility to protect it too.

Hearthy is an EHRP (Electronic Health Record Platform) managed by a protocol that will provide a blockchain-based support for electronic health records. This protocol will insure data safety but not data storage. Why ? Because of the international regulations about data privacy [GDPR, HIPAA], the medical information data size, and the current writing speed of blockchain protocols.

The GDPR requirements are independent of the blockchain. We will store the data following regulations like : double authentication, logs of access for reading / editing data, encryption with public and private keys, revocable access rights and patient consent for every step of the way. All this will be already in place independently of the blockchain. In our case the blockchain will insure security (manage access), traceability (manage logs) and eventually the biometric identification of the user.

To respect regulations, we have to know who the data belongs to, where are they stored, why do we ask for them, what are we using them for and all the security measures that we will establish to protect them. All this measures will be guaranteed by a data protection officer.

Although our initial steps might not be in the European Union or USA we will be compliant with the world’s strictest regulations.

On of the major goals of the GDPR is the strengthening of individual’s rights. One of them is the ability to erase the data from our servers and also the right to data portability, which happens to be one of our major goals in this project.

Finally, we have an obligation to report data breaches to data protection authorities and to affected individuals.

Rest assured. We are aware about the amount of work that we have to do in order to achieve our ambitious goals. But we also need YOU to make them happen. JOIN US on our ICO pre-sale and have 45% discount !

About the author
Juan Sebastian SUAREZ VALENCIA,MD. is a french physician, born in Bogota — Colombia. He is also an entrepreneur in telemedicine with a company in Paris, France and medical advisor at Hearthy. For more information : LinkedIn

Hearthy Co.

With Hearthy we want to create a decentralized, open and sustainable ecosystem to improve health care access to everyone.