Hearthy Co.
2 min readOct 8, 2017

Hearthy will start its deployment in Philippines and Mexico and here we explain why.

The creation of an electronic health record platform takes a lot of time and effort. We don’t pretend that we can create one from scratch easily. Instead, we plan to divide the work in little steps and yet, start making a difference in the healthcare sector.

To do so, we will start working in two rapidly emerging economies where we have some experience working in, Mexico and Philippines. Why ?

The problem with rich countries is that they already have too many actors in play and amongst them, there’s a lot of different electronic health records (EHR) editors which creates legacy systems that we will have a lot of troubles to integrate with right from the beginning. Instead, on other countries although there’s also some systems that exist, the amount and complexity of them can still be manageable in some cases. This strategy is called Leapfrogging.

Furthermore, among the founders of Hearthy, there’s two people who have a lot of experience in this environments. Javi, the CEO, has a company called Glue.digital that has done some work for big companies in this countries. He has developed the backbone software for a telemedicine operator in Mexico. Juan on the other hand, was born in Bogota Colombia and therefore knows the constraints and limitations the healthcare can have in this backgrounds. He also founded a company, Bress Healthcare, that provides telemedicine services for pediatric patients in collaboration with an NGO, La Chaîne de L’Espoir.

Last but not least, one of the reasons is that in this countries we can decrease costs without compromising the quality of care.

At the beginning, we are going to create applications that leverage our savoir-faire related to our previous projects. They consist in telemedicine applications using our local networks and compliant with local regulations. This will allow us to create the first basis of the platform than we will open source as previously announced.

Don’t forget that we already started the presale of our tokens. This tokens will not only have financial value but they will also be the health-currency in exchange of which we are going to provide the medical services worldwide.

About the author
Juan Sebastian SUAREZ VALENCIA,MD. is a french physician, born in Bogota — Colombia. He is also an entrepreneur in telemedicine with a company in Paris, France and medical advisor at Hearthy. For more information : LinkedIn

Hearthy Co.

With Hearthy we want to create a decentralized, open and sustainable ecosystem to improve health care access to everyone.